Chapter 25

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I turned and walked in, feeling dizzy and extremely hot. I could feel the sweat beaded on my forehead and I wiped my hand across it. After taking a few steps into the house, Kaleb was there. His nose flared when he looked at me. 

       "Are you okay Anna? Your heart is beating way too fast." His words sounded warbled but I understood them. I couldn't answer the question because I wasn't sure if I was okay or not. I needed Dani to hurry back. He'd know just what to say to make me feel better. Everything was blurry and suddenly, the floor was rushing up towards my face. 

       I waited for the impact, but nothing happened. My eyelids were heavy and I couldn't open them, though I still heard what was happening around me. I heard Kalebs voice yell.

        "Kathy!" Hurried footsteps were pounding in my ears.

        "What's wrong?" The footsteps stopped close by me and I felt a warm hand brush across my forehead, though the warmth was nothing compared to the burning heat in my body. 

        "Oh God. Her shift is beginning. We need to take her to the cellar quickly," came Kathy's voice again. I felt cold arms wrap around my torso and I relished Kaleb's icy temperature. I was aware of my hair whipping across my face and wind blowing fiercely across my face. 

       I managed to open my eyes just enough to see that the trees were blurring past us. It took me a moment to realize that Kaleb was carrying me while using his vampire speed, though you would never be able to tell, his movements were fluid and graceful.

       We came to a stop and I heard the groan of a door opening. I slowly turned my head to see that Kaleb was pulling a giant metal door open from the ground. This must be the cellar. 

        "Kaleb," I whispered and he looked down at me. "Yes?" His eyes were panicked but soft at the same time.

       "Am I on fire? I'm hot." His jaw locked while he carried me down the stairs. "No baby. You're not on fire. You're supposed to be hot. It's part of the shift." I heard what he said, but my mind stuck on one word. Baby? 

        "Where's Kathy?" I asked, ignoring the name he called me. 

        "She's on her way. She should be here soon just don't worry about it." I gave a weary nod and he set me down so that I was sitting up against a wall. He sat down beside me and I lolled my head to face him and grabbed his cold, soothing hand, placing it on my forehead to cool me off. It eased the pain but only slightly.

        After I lowered my hand, he kept his in place but after a few seconds, he moved it around to the back of my neck. Just then I remembered something.

       "Do you need to leave? I know you haven't hunted in awhile so if this is too hard then I understand-" He cut me off from my sentence.

       "No. I'm staying right here. Besides, I hunted while you were gone. You know, just in case." I nodded a little and closed my eyes.

        Moments later, I heard the door groan above us, which meant that Kathy must have finally come in. Her small silhouette made her way down the stairs and she rushed over to us with a large book in her hands. 

       "It's almost time. We need to get her in the chains," Kathy said. A memory flashed in my mind and I lifted my head abruptly. "What time is it," I asked with a raspy voice. Kaleb glances down at the black banded watch on his wrist. 

       "It's eleven fifty-nine." I squeezed my eyes shut, running the notes written words through my head.  If you speak the spell at midnight, then you will change into your rightful form and find your pack: Mutata Luna Sub Me; change me under the moon. I opened my eyes to find them both staring at me. "What time is it now Kaleb?" He looked at his watch again. "Twelve o'clock."

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