Chapter 27

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Dani's P.O.V.

       It was a clean break at least. I was glad I didn't feel anything because I knew that it would have hurt. Why didn't I try to stop her? Or at least try to get away? 

       The witch, named Kathy, fixed my bone into place and set it in a cast. I was surprised Kaleb stayed, what with all the blood and all, but his mind seemed occupied. Probably because of Arianna. It was hard to tell because his thoughts were all jumbled and it was hard to place one coherent thought out of the million that were running through his mind.

        "There you go," Kathy said curtly. I looked over and saw that she had finished bandaging my arm. She gave me a smile but it didn't reach her eyes. She didn't like me. When I went into her mind, I saw that she didn't trust me. She thought all fallen angels were deceiving creatures and that we really should be burning in Hell right now, where we belonged. She also feels like I would hurt Arianna, just as I hurt the rest of her family, and I felt ashamed and pitiful. 

        "Thank you," I said genuinely. Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly that it would have been hard to catch if you weren't paying attention. I snapped my head sideways when I finally found that one of the leeches thoughts had stood out. 

        She found her mother. I hope she's okay. What if she stays with her mom forever and leaves me behind? I tuned out of his thoughts again. He could hear them all the way across the forest. I had to admit that his hearing was quite impressive. So was his eyesight. When I caught glimpses of what he saw in his head, it was incredible. Everything was so much sharper and there were so many more colors that the world looked even more beautiful and if he paid close enough attention, he would be able to see each dust particle floating in the air around him. 

         "Should we go look for her," Kaleb asked. Kathy shook her head. "No. She spoke the spell and she is being reunited with her pack. We will not disturb the ritual, for it would bring dishonor and I will not have that. You know how this works Kaleb. I know you love her and you're worried, but she will be fine," Kathy scolded.

         I know you love her… Kathy's words rang in my head and I felt something burn inside me. It took me a moment to place what it was. Jealousy. I was jealous of the vampire. I never thought that I would be jealous of this bloodsucking, parasitic leech, but I was.

        Why was I jealous? Because I knew that she loved him too. Even if she didn't want to admit it to herself, I could feel it in her mind when she thought about him. It's the same way I felt about her. Then again, she felt the same way towards me. The problem was that she felt the same for us. She didn't love me more. She didn't love Kaleb more. Her love was equally divided between the two of us, and that's what worried me. She could easily choose him over me.

Kaleb's P.O.V.

        I was kind of freaking out. I didn't want anything to happen to Anna and I was beyond worried. I wanted her to be happy of course, but would that mean her leaving? Would that mean that I would no longer see her? Surely that's not what that means, right? She likes it here, doesn't she? 

        My mind was clouded with doubts and I was letting my imagination run wild. She will be okay. I kept repeating this to myself and I planned to repeat it until I believed it. I so badly needed to believe it. I stopped my incessant, inner rambling and turned, my hands on my head. Dani was sitting in the corner of the walls. He had fixed me with an intense stare but he seemed to be lost in thought. He looked… weird. Like he was broken, angry, and lost all at once. 

        He held my gaze for a few more seconds before looking away. I honestly didn't have a problem with Dani. Except that he was able to steal Anna's heart when I couldn't, and the fact that he hurt her, but if she was willing to forgive him, then I should be too. I hadn't looked away from his face, so when I saw his expression change, I wondered why he looked so defeated now. 

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