Chapter 12

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I started running. I ignored all the firefighters and stopped in my yard, looking around frantically for Dad. His black Camaro was on the side of the road, while mine was on fire. I just hoped he wasn't in the house, but I couldn't see him among all the people gathered around the burning building.

       A firefighter came up and grabbed me by my arms, stopping me from going any further. "Stop! Let me go!" I was kicking and screaming, desperate to find my father. "Daddy," I yelled his name over and over, but no one ever came. "Ma'am, we have workers inside, looking for any survivors. We'll find him," the man holding me back said calmly. 

       How can he be so fucking calm when my dad could be in there, burning alive, trying to escape? I continued to scream his name, thrashing in the man's grasp, but he was too strong for me. A moment later, I saw man covered in ash and soot crawl from the door, dragging a familiar body behind him. 

        My dad. He wasn't moving. I didn't see his chest rise and fall, and I knew they didn't either. A paramedic rushed up as I struggled in the man's arms. The man shook his head and the pulled a tarp over the body. My mind went blank then started up again. "No! Daddy! Please let me go," I pleaded. I kicked and pushed and hit but the man didn't let go. 

       A familiar voice came from behind us. "I've got her sir." Calm down Angel. The man's arms released me, but only to be replaced by another set. Dani's. 

        I felt a blind rage passing through me and I struggled harder than I had before. I was screaming again, but this time it was directed at Dani. I turned in his arms and pushed against his chest. "You did this, dammit! This all your fucking fault! I could have been here to help him, but no! I had to run off with you and for what? A fucking carnival ride and then you just-" I stopped as realization dawned on me. His earlier words came back. I'm sorry, Angel. The tight lipped smiles, the faulty laughs. 

        I stopped struggling and I looked up at him in horror. "You knew," I said quietly. I was crying a river now, but somehow, the tears came even harder, blurring my vision. "You knew this would happen. That's why you took me to the carnival. So I wasn't here when-" I'm sorry love

         "Don't fucking call me that! God, I hate you! I wish you would just go burn in hell. Get away from me." I was sobbing uncontrollably now. The betrayal I felt was unbearable and I wanted nothing more than to get as far away as possible. I shoved harder against his chest and I hit and shoved repeatedly, knowing that it would do no good.

         I finally collapsed, my trembling legs no longer able to support me. I cried and cried, not caring who saw, because I knew that everyone was watching. I slid to the ground, resting my head on my knees. Dani tried to comfort me but I snapped my head up. I was surprised at how menacing and icy my voice was.

         "Leave, Dani. I never want to see you again. Get out of my sight or I swear to all that is fucking holy that I will find a way to kill you." I felt nothing as I watched different emotions flash in his eyes. Pain, sorrow, disappointment, guilt, remorse. But I didn't care. He stood back up and walked away.

       I crawled over to the body and looked helplessly at the paramedic who was still standing there. He gave me a sympathetic smile and patted my shoulder. I sobbed and pulled the tarp back. He wasn't burnt, just covered in soot. It only made him darker than what he was. My guess was that he died from smoke inhalation.

       I wiped at his face, trying to rub off the soot and ash. I longed to see that warm smile again, longed for him to tell another corny joke, or chase me down so I could do something for him. I pressed a kiss to his warm forehead and slid off the ring that he never took off, even after Mom died. He had given me her ring, which was on a chain around her neck, just like this one would be, so that they'd be together. Like they were supposed to be.

       I looked back to see that our unknown neighbors, and the firefighters were all in a line, holding hands, and I realized that they were praying. I felt a warmth in my heart and I stood up, though I was still crying, I didn't care. I pulled the tarp back over my dad and walked over next to the firefighter who held me back and grabbed his hand. He gave me a warm smile, which I tried my best to return. 

       I slid the ring on my thumb and grabbed an older ladies hand on the other side of me. She gave me the same warm smile as the firefighter and I dipped my head, closed my eyes, and prayed with them.

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