Chapter 17

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The bonfire went pretty well. Most of the vampires were friendly, and I'm still alive, so I'd say it was good. Kaleb held my hand all night, never letting me go, but I didn't mind. He would make jokes with his friends and reminisce with them, and sometimes he'd explain something to me if he thought I looked confused.

       I tried to join in on the conversations, but I couldn't tear my mind away from the Tahoe I had seen earlier. Something about it just felt… off, I guess. I didn't like the way the chills had shot up my back. Once everyone had left, I was telling Kaleb a story about a time when me, Mom, and Dad had a bonfire one night and it was such a happy memory. We were walking upstairs as I was talking and I hadn't realized that he had followed me into my bedroom, though when I did, I thought nothing of it. 

       I stopped talking and looked up at him to see that he was smiling at me, his grin reaching from ear to ear and without thinking, just like last time, I had pulled him down to kiss me. He wasn't reluctant this time. He was more relaxed as he shaped his lips around mine and wound his arms around my hips, pulling me closer. 

       Then, I heard an engine roar and tires squealed. I broke away and looked out of my window to see that same black Tahoe peeling down the street, sending another shiver up my spine. "You okay?" His broke me away from my reverie and my gaze snapped to his concerned eyes. I still had my arms around his neck and I reluctantly let go. "Uh, yeah. Sorry," I said, trying to clear the thoughts away. 

       I didn't know what had come over me. Why did I keep doing that? Maybe your sex crazed brain thinks you're horny for some good ol' fashioned lip therapy. I ignored the small voice in my head. I am not sex crazed. You can't be if you're a virgin right? 

       He hesitantly let go of my waist and I pressed my feet flat to the floor again. "Um… I'll see you later," I said quietly. He gave me a small smile before turning to the door. "Okay. Later." With that, he walked out, leaving me alone in my room.

       I went and took yet another shower, trying to scrub off the burning wood smell. My mind went straight to my father when I thought of that. I wondered again what "FA" stands for, but I had every intention of finding out. I should have told Kaleb about it. 

       I stepped out of the shower and pulled on a night slip over my fuzzy pajama shorts. Kathy had really gone all out on the shopping spree for me. I combed my hair and pulled it back into a messy ponytail then stepped out and knocked on Kalebs door.

       Within seconds, he answered, opening the door and when he saw me, he smiled and said "Back so soon?" I couldn't help but to smile just a little. "Actually, I needed to talk to you about something," I said. His face grew solemn as he opened the door for me to step in.  

       He gestured for me to have a seat but I declined the offer and began to pace as I told him everything that the detective told me. His face remained neutral the entire time and I couldn't identify his emotions. When I was done, he finally spoke.

       "So the Fallen Angels killed your father?" I stopped, midstride. "The Fallen Angels," I asked. He nodded and explained further. "Yes. That's what FA stands for, Anna. It's their trademark symbol. But why did they kill him?" The shock had built up and passed and now I was seething. If fallen angels were behind this, then Dani knew even more than I thought. 

       How could I have been so stupid? I should have seen it earlier, but I was too stupid and ignorant to notice. Not only had he taken me away so that I couldn't save my father, and not only did he know about, he helped them plan to kill him. But why?

       I didn't really care for the reason at that moment. I wanted to kill him and eventually, I would. I hadn't even realized that Kaleb was talking, but even so, I still wasn't listening. I turned on my heel and walked downstairs and out of the house. Kaleb was beside me in an instant, but I didn't stop and I wasn't going to. 

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