Chapter 18

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Dani had a strange look on his face when I burst into tears out of nowhere. It wasn't surprised or confused, it was guilt. Kaleb had me in an instant, as he always did, and wirelessly, he picked me up bridal style while I leaned into his chest. He opened the car door and sat down in the driver's seat, cradling me in his lap.

He didn't say anything about my random breakdown, he just stroked my hair and rubbed my back, consoling me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dani shove his hands in his pockets and turn back to walk into the warehouse. I didn't care at that point. I didn't care if he left, or stayed. I was just trying to calm down.

I was hyperventilating a little, my breath coming in short gasps. "Deep breaths, Anna," Kaleb instructed softly. I did as he said without much success, but after awhile, I calmed down and stopped crying. "I'm sorry," I apologized quietly.

"It's okay. You have nothing to be sorry for," he reassured me. It didn't help much, though. I had a lot to be sorry for. I'm sorry I wasn't able to save my parents. I'm sorry that I was alive and they weren't. I'm sorry that I was so naive. I'm sorry that I was here, crying like an idiot about it on my best friends lap.

That realization made me get up slowly. "Um... can we go home now?" He gave me a small smile and nodded. I went around to the passenger seat and buckled up.

When we got back to the mansion, I went straight to my room and collapsed on the bed, falling into a peaceful sleep and letting my dreams take over.

I woke up to see all that the sky was still dark. I looked around, wondering what woke me, but saw nothing. I jerked my head towards my bedroom door when it creaked open. "Kaleb," I called. Instead, Dani walked in and closed the door. "What are you doing here? Kathy is gonna kill you," I told him.

"I had to explain everything. And I won't get caught. I'm dreamwalking." I remembered him telling me that he could walk in dreams, but I didn't think he'd actually invade my sleep. I sat up in bed. "What do you need to explain," I asked after standing up to be almost eye level with him.

"I'm risking everything by coming here, but you need to know everything," he said, walking closer to stand directly in front of me. "Katsune isn't what you thought it to be, Angel. It's not just some technology company that Jackson had always told you. It's a group of archangels. They've been wanting to get rid of fallen angels for centuries. They say that He should have killed us instead of banishing us to a life on earth only to help create more sin. He doesn't approve, which is why these particular archangels have gone rogue." I absorbed what he was saying.

"Who is He," I asked. "God. The big guy who sent us down here," he explained. I nodded for him to continue. "So your dad wanted to be a part of it, but it was mostly out of spite for me, but once your mom was murdered, Jackson wanted revenge on the fallen angels, so he became the head of the group and-" I cut him off, my eyes wide.

"Are you saying a fallen angel killed my mom?" He nodded with a grim expression. "Yes. It was just one, but he was trying to steal money that he didn't need." His jaw tightened and his fists were clenched. "So, was my dad an archangel?" He shook his head.

"No. He was just a human that wanted revenge. If he was an archangel, then he wouldn't have died," he explained then he continued with the story. "Anyway, so your father was a part of it and all the fallen angels have gathered together so that we can survive, because we don't want our race to die out."

"So the archangels are trying to commit genocide? Why is no one stopping them?"

"We're trying, but they're more powerful than us," he said. "We're eventually going to have to go to war. We already know that much, because the archangels won't stop until every one of us is dead." I took it all in and thought for a moment.

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