Chapter 28

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I woke up and for the first time since yesterday, I wasn't burning. I wasn't cold either, I was just warm. I looked up to see Kaleb watching me carefully. The memories of last night came flooding back once again. 

        I was in the pack now. I had killed my first deer and pledged the sacred earth to the moon goddess and gave thanks. Mom showed me what to do and it was surprisingly easy. She told me that there were more tactics and strategies of finding and hunting prey, but she'd have to show me some other time.

        I didn't remember much though. Everything seems all blurry and scrambled. I remembered lots of howling and running.  I remembered seeing Mom. I remembered the initiation. Hunting and howling. I don't really remember the rest of the pack very well though. Another memory popped into my mind. 

        I was angry at something and I lunged and grabbed the first thing I could between my teeth and snapped it but I didn't let go. Dani's fearful green eyes stared back at me. I sat up abruptly and looked at Kaleb.

       "Did I break Dani's arm last night?" His eyes widened slightly and he hesitated before nodding. "It was a clean break though. He didn't feel anything and Kathy's got him in a cast," he said, but it didn't in any way make me feel better. 

        I stood up and looked at Kaleb expectantly. "Where is he now?" He looked at me for a second before answering.

       "Last I heard, he was in the kitchen with Kathy." I walked towards the door, but he was there before me, blocking the door. Was he really going to deny me of seeing Dani? I was about to start arguing but he started talking first.

       "I understand you want to see him, but I would feel a lot better if you put some clothes on first. Please." 

       What he said took me by surprise and I looked down to see that I was still wearing only his shirt and I felt the fire run through my cheeks. I mumbled okay and walked to the walk-in closet and slid the door shut behind me. I grabbed some clothes and put them on then slid into my Converse. 

       I walked back out and handed him his shirt back. I didn't have a problem with him walking around like that. He was absolutely flawless and his well defined muscles proved that, but I knew my morals and if I kept having thoughts like these, Dani would find out about them.

       I walked downstairs and I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I smelled the bacon, eggs, and biscuits. I still wasn't used my new smelling senses, but it was actually really cool. It was like I could smell everything. My hearing was sharper too and it was incredible.

       I saw Dani sitting in a chair across the table and I winced at the cast around his arm. His expression was unreadable and blank as he looked up at me. I felt really bad and I wasn't sure what I could do to make it up to him. 

       "Don't feel bad, Angel. I'll be fine," he said. But how could I not feel bad? I hurt him. Even if he couldn't feel it, that didn't help things. "I'm sorry anyways," I murmured. It was quiet, but I knew that he had heard it.

       I sat down in my usual seat, and per usual, Kaleb sat right beside me. A moment later, Kathy was setting the plates down in front of me, Dani, and her seat. She was uncharacteristically quiet and I wondered what the reason for that was. Is it because Dani's here? Does she feel awkward around me now? Has something happened?

       She's okay. She just doesn't trust me yet, love. I looked back at Dani and he still had the same blank expression. I narrowed my eyes slightly but I kept my mouth (and mind) shut. I focused only on the food in front of me and I tried to satisfy my raving hunger. 

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