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One year later


       I smiled as I looked up at Kaleb, not caring about the crowd of people that were all watching us and the three werewolves standing behind me. My eyes cast down to the bite mark that was visible on Kaleb's neck. My mark, indicating that he was my mate, lover, and best friend.      

        Kaleb cleared his throat and I looked at him and glanced at the man beside us, who was watching me expectantly. "Oh," I said, my face flushing. "I do." The crowd laughed and the man continued. 

        "And do you, Kaleb Matthews take Arianna Gallardo to be yours forever?" He smiled brightly as he looked me in the eyes, never pulling his gaze away. "I do," he said softly.

         "Then you may now kiss the bride," former Alpha Grey said. I smiled and Kaleb brought his lips down to meet mine. I don't know how long we shared the kiss, but I heard several throat clearing, but it didn't matter to me. I never pulled away and he didn't either. 

         Finally, I had to breath, otherwise I wouldn't have moved, so I pulled away and the crowd clapped and cheered. I turned my head to look over my family and friends, and my mother stood behind me, with her big wolfy smile on her muzzle. She walked closer and softly licked my face. 

         At the reception, when it was time for the bride and groom dance, Kaleb pulled me to my feet and we swayed back and forth in the middle of the dance floor.

        "You look absolutely stunning tonight, my love. If I wasn't already dead, my heart would have stopped," he whispered in my ear. I smiled and looked up at him. "You're so corny," I said softly. 

        "I love you," he told me. "That's what we're here for," I said, referencing Twilight. He caught on, smiled, then kissed my forehead. "I love you too, Kaleb. Forever and always." He smiled and we danced in complete bliss, loving the fact that we were here in each other's arms. 

        I was glad to be what we were. We were immortal, giving us an eternity to love each other. Our supernatural forms gave us the power to love stronger, which I took pride in. The vampire that I was holding in my arms reminded me that our love wasn't easily breakable.      

The End

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