Chapter 6

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I didn't sleep well at all last night. I was tossing and turning, having the weirdest dream. I was running. My feet slamming against a damp, leafy forest floor. I was perfectly okay too. No breathing problems, no need for breaks. I felt like I could have ran forever. It was like the same thing I had seen when Dani touched me earlier tonight. It was that same spark, that same electricity coursing through my veins, lighting me up like gas on a fire. There was suddenly nothing that I couldn't do. But it felt… weird. I felt free, but at the same time, I knew that I had to hurry before it was too late. Though I had no idea what we were running towards. Yes, I meant we. I looked to my right, and Kaleb was there, running so fast that it was surreal, but then again, I was keeping pace with him, which had to mean something. I looked up, and Daniel was there, floating, no. Flying above me. His expression was hard and he was looking straight ahead.

        I had no idea what the dream was about, but it felt so real. I rushed to get ready for school, since I woke up a little later than usual. I threw on my black and white hoodie, some high waisted jeans, and my Vans. I ran out of the door and got in my car. 

        I pulled into the same spot that I had yesterday and walked into the school building, ignoring all the people hanging out in the schoolyard. I knew that Dad would be home sometime today, so I left the application for the library council on his nightstand, holding it down with a pen.

        I felt cool breath fan across my neck and the hairs on my arm stand on end and I instinctively turned around, only to come face to face with Kaleb. More like face to neck, even though I was a couple of steps above him. I let out a breath of relief to see a friendly face. "Hey," I said. He gave me a smile. "Hey. Did you get that paper signed yet?" I shook my head. 

       The bell rang and I turned to walk up the stairs, Kaleb trailing behind me. I made my way towards calculus when I finally heard Kaleb speak. "Are you eating lunch in the library again?" I turned and nodded, then shuffled my feet. "Is that okay," I asked hesitantly. He waved me off. "Yeah. I was just wondering. Anyway, see you then," he said, then walked away. I walked and took my seat as the class dragged on.

        It was finally lunch time after two more classes and I got up and walked to the library. I sat in the little corner table, just as I had yesterday. Like yesterday, the library seemed empty, and I didn't see Kaleb anywhere. I settled in and continued to read my book, and took a bite of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 

        It was completely silent in the library, which I guess was normal, but it scared me and I jumped when I heard Kaleb soft, deep voice behind me. "May I join you?" I snapped my head around to look at him. "Uh, yeah. Go ahead," I said. I noted that he was wearing worn out Chuck Taylor's and I wondered how I hadn't heard him come in. He sat down across from me and gave me a small smile.

       I  noticed his empty hands and tilted my head a little. "You don't have anything to eat?" He shook his head. "I'm not hungry right now. " I held out one of the halves of my sandwich. "I can share," I offered. He shook his head again.

       I shrugged. "Suit yourself." I looked down and opemed my book again, finding my place. I heard him let out a short, quiet laugh and I looked at him over my book. I cocked an eyebrow. "What?" He gave a small shake of his head.

       With an amused smile, he asked "So you like the Twilight books?" I gave a small nod. "Yes. Is that a problem," I asked with a hint of defiance. "No. It's just that the books vampire and werewolf beliefs are completely bogus," he said. I set my book down, fighting a smile. 

        "Oh? How is that," I asked.

         "Well first, not all vampires are pale. They say they are because they're dead, but they still have blood running through them, which kind of contradicts itself. Then there's the fact that vampires sparkle in the sunlight, which is complete bullshit, I mean, where's the logic in that?" I couldn't hold back the smile anymore.

         "So what is logical about vampires in the sun," I asked, curious as to what his answer will be. 

        "They can walk around just fine in the sunlight. Why would they not be able to in the first place? It doesn't affect them, but it's not like they're going to get a sunburn or a tan," he said. He sounded so sure and cocky about it. I crossed my arms. 

         "How do you know so much about vampires," I asked. He shrugged a little and said "I'm just saying what is completely logical… and true."

         "How would you know if it was true?" He seemed to think about it for a second. "Vampires could possibly be real. I'm just saying that that is all logical. Myths and fantasies could be proven true, but we'd never know because they might try to hide themselves," he said. 

        "Fair point. What else is 'logical'," I asked, making air quotes. He smiled again and began.

        "Well, they are super fast and strong, like books and movies portray them to be, and they are silent. They have to be since they were made to hunt and live in shadows all those centuries ago, but they've evolved, kind of like humans. They can drink animal blood too, but it doesn't taste as good," he stopped when I lifted an eyebrow. "I'm just guessing. Anyway, they also have a choice to shift, but once they choose, they can't change it." 

        "Shift," I asked. He nodded. "They have this thing when they're making the change to a vampire, their spirit animal comes into place, and they are able to shift into their forms. It's pretty cool. I'm guessing." I nodded warily. 

        "So how is the shifting thing, logical," I asked. He smiled. "It just is, I guess." 

        "What happens if they choose not to shift?" 

        "Well, they have a month to try and figure it out, and usually, they have the person who changed them to help them figure it out, but sometimes they don't. If they don't and they have no clue about the shifting, then they are just normal vampires who don't shift."

         I took a bite of my sandwich and he watched me eat. "What about fangs," I asked after swallowing. 

        "They have fangs, but they retract when they're not feeding," he explained. "So do you just study vampires or something," I asked after finishing off my sandwich. 

         "Something like that," he said with a smile.  I smiled back and then the bell rang. It was weird how quickly the time passed while we were talking. 

        "Same time tomorrow," he asked. I nodded and walked out to go to the gym. We did some sprints and suicides, which wasn't that hard, but all the other people were complaining and sweaty, though I was just fine. I was nervous about walking into biology. I didn't want to sit by Dani today with his uncomfortable stares.

        I walked in, but he wasn't there. I let out a breath of relief and slumped in my chair in the corner. Moments later, my luck ran out and he walked into the classroom, except this time, he was the one looking uneasy. He sat down and didn't say a word to me.

        Usually, I preferred the silence, but it was unusual coming from him. I glanced at him, but he stared straight ahead. I didn't say a word and neither did he. 

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