Chapter 33

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I woke up, my eyelids felt heavy and hard to open. The room was dimly lit with a tiny opening the size of a brick near the ceiling. I looked around the dank room and I tried to move, but there was something extremely heavy weighing down on my arm. I looked over and saw that it was a chain wrapped around my wrists and I could barely move it. 

        I tried to shift so I could break free from the bindings, but something was wrong. My wolf wasn't coming out and it felt like she was trapped. I looked around, searching for any sign of escape or any clue as to why I was here. I saw nothing around the room. Why had Dani done this? 

       I heard the groan and squeaking of a metal door opening and I looked up to the light that was filtering inside the room. The silhouette walked down the stairs and stopped in front of me. I instantly knew who it was just by his scent.

       "Hey Angel. How's it going?" 

       "Not very good. I'd be a lot better if I were out of here, away from you." He didn't say anything so I asked a follow up question that's been buzzing around my mind, making me worry. "What did you do tto Kaleb? Did you kill him," I asked, praying that his answer was of good news.

        He snorted and answered. "He'll be fine. Wood only stuns his kind it doesn't kill him." I let out a breath of relief to know that he was safe and hoped that he wasn't too worried about me.

       I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Why did you take me?" 

       "Because I needed you. The fallen angels needs you. You're our last shot at taking down Katsune, and our informant tells us that you're the one to fulfill the prophecy. We were hoping that you would do it willingly, but I knew you wanted nothing to do with me after you saw Kaleb."

       "I was really hoping to be your mate, but not for the reasons you'd think. I knew that once we mated, you would do anything for me, so we thought that it would be easier to fulfill the prophecy. To be honest, it's much quicker this way." 

        I looked at him, trying to fit all the puzzle pieces together. 

       "What prophecy," I asked. 

       "The prophecy that our race is depending on. In order for the Fallen Angels to survive this war with the Archangels, then we need you to complete it."

       "What do I have to do to complete it," I asked skeptically. A wicked smile appeared on his face as he answered. 

        "You're our sacrifice, Angel." I felt the blood drain from my face as I looked at Dani. How could I have been fooled so easily? How could I believe that I loved this evil, wretched, pathetic excuse for a man? It's all in the mind tricks, love, came Dani's answer in my head.

       I gave him a look of disgust which he brushed off indifferently. I tried once more to let my fury build into my wolf form so I could snap out of these chains and rip his throat out.

       "That's not gonna work. You can't shift. We had our spell Caster do a little magic, so you won't be able to shift for seventy-two hours. It's okay though. We plan on killing you within twelve," he said.

        I felt tears well up in my eyes and I tried desperately to push them back. I hated him. I hated myself even more for letting him in. He walked over and pushed my wild hair out of my face and I jerked back away from his hand.

        "Aw, come on now Angel. You wanted these hands all over you yesterday," he said ruefully.

         "Don't remind me of my stupid mistakes," I spat. His devillish smile turned to a frown and he left the room without another word. Finally, in the moment of my solace, I let the tears flood down my cheeks. I can't believe I was in this mess.

Kaleb's P.O.V.

       I slowly opened my eyes to see the forest floor against my face. I rolled over and grunted as I pulled out the wood. I lay there on my back for a second, giving my wound time to heal. As soon as it was, I jumped up, wildly looking around for Arianna. I didn't remember what had happened. I only remember the thundering footsteps and then eveything went blank. 

       Did they kill Arianna? Kidnap her? I shuddered at all the possibilities of torture she could be going through right now. I sniffed around and recognized Dani's scent. Why was he here? Did he save Arianna after everything happened? They were probably back at the mansion now, drinking sodas with Kathy. The strange thing was, I didn't smell anyone else. 

       Reasoning finally struck and I realized that Dani was the only other one to have been here. Did he try to kill me because Anna chose me? Something about this situation didn't feel right and as I sped to the mansion, I wasn't surpised to find that Arianna wasn't there. "Kathy," I called.

       She appeared from the study on the first floor with a look of worry on her seemingly young features.

        "She's gone," I said. I quickly explained everything that I remembered and what happened after I woke up. She pulled me back to the study with her and grabbed her spell book, flipping quickly through the pages. She said a few words in a foreign language and her eyes turned a milky, opalescent white and I knew that she was asking the spirits for answers.

       A few moments later, she snapped out of it, her eyes wide. "She doesn't have much time left. We have to find her and quickly, before it's too late!" I grabbed her arm as she tried to speed off, stopping her. "Kathy, what's happening?"

       She shook as she grasped my hand in her warm one. "She's the Fallen Angel sacrifice." My mouth dropped as I thought of what this meant. If Kathy was in a hurry then that meant we needed to leave as soon as possible. If we didn't make it on time, she was going to die.

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