Chapter 30

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When I got home and got dressed, Dani had left shortly after, saying he had to handle some things with the Fallen Angels. He told me that Kaleb left a few hours ago and hasn't returned yet. He had a strange look on his face when he talked about Kaleb but I couldn't decipher it. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left.

        I went to take a shower and get all the dirt off and wash my unruly hair. I go down stairs and see that Kathy is wandering around the kitchen as usual. "Hello, Arianna," she greets me. I smile in response and look around. "Kaleb isn't back yet?"

        She looks at me and shakes her head. "Not yet, I'm afraid. You can try calling him on his cell. He usually answers," she suggested. I nod once and then walk back upstairs in search of my phone. I find it on my nightstand and look for his number. It rings several times before he answers. "Hello?"

         "Kaleb? Where are you? Are you okay," I ask. I hear a sigh on the other end of the line. "Yes, I'm fine Arianna." I didn't think he was fine. I don't think I've ever heard him call me Arianna. "Kaleb! Hurry up and come here," came a feminine voice in the background. My eyebrows shot up in surprise.

         "Look, can I call you back later? I'm busy right now." It took me a moment to respond. "Um… sure. When are you coming home?" 

         "I don't know. Bye." Then the line went dead. He actually just hung up on me. I felt hurt but guilty for some reason. He was gone and I couldn't help feeling like it was my fault.

Kaleb's P.O.V.

         It hurt to hear her voice. I wanted her but I could never have her. When I left earlier, I kept running until I found myself at a familiar doorstep. I had knocked and of course, she had answered. I walked over to where she had been calling me.

         "What is it Alexis?" She smiled at me, her straight blonde hair gleaming. "I wanted to show you something. Follow me," she instructed. As always, I did what she said.

         Alexis is my oldest friend. We've been acquainted for centuries. She's a siren, but she's respected me enough not to use her powers on me. Though, she admitted she had feelings for me a long time ago, she said that she would never force it because she wanted me to actually feel something for her if I ever did. 

          I know she's seduced more men than I can count, but she didn't really need her powers, especially for the humans. The poor beings never stood a chance once they laid their eyes on her. Not surprisingly, she worked as a stripper in a club downtown, but she is  the most decent and kindest woman I've ever met. 

          I haven't talked to her in about a year but for some reason, she was the first one I came to. I was still upset over Anna, but I knew that I'd go back at some point. I didn't really care if I was just torturing myself. I'd take whatever I could get from Anna, whether she wanted me or not.

          Alexis led me through her home and we ended up in the basement. I looked around and was surprised to see a pool table, a small kitchenette with a bar, some tables and a little stage off to the side. I turned to Alexis with an arched brow.

          "Please don't tell me you turned your basement into a club," I told her. She smiled wickedly and said "Okay I won't tell you that then. I turned it into a private club. Duh!" I smiled and shook my head. She was a lot to look after. Then she walked over smirked up at me. "Want me to dance for you," she asked, wiggling her eyebrows. I chuckled and shook my head again. "No thanks Lexi."

          "You're gonna want me to one day and then I'll be ready for it." She sent me a playful wink and I rolled my eyes. She was the biggest flirt I've ever known along with the nicest person. We went back upstairs and we flopped down on her living room sofa. "Or we could just play video games," she suggested. I smiled and she threw a controller at me and turned the TV on.

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