Chapter 35

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I woke up on soft, yet prickly, grass. I opened my eyes and looked around. The building in front of me was on fire and the memories came flooding back to me. The surge of power I had felt was amazing, but I knew that it was a somber time. 

        I heard pounding footsteps, or rather pastels, and turned to see my pack racing towards me. "Anna," my mother said. "Are you alright?" I nodded.

        "I'm sorry it took so long. We felt your distress but you were very very far away. We had to run to the next state to find you." I nodded in understanding. My whole body was still sore as I slowly stood up. I was about to ask if Kaleb was okay but his familiar scent hit my nose as soon as I had the thought. He pulled me in a bone crushing embrace and I winced but savored the coldness that he carried. 

        "I'm so sorry Anna. I've been looking for you nonstop. I'm sorry I wasn't here. This is all my fault. If I hadn't taken you to the woods-" I cut him off by smashing our lips together.

        He reacted instantly and the kiss was full of different emotions. Happiness, desperation, regret, and guilt. I pulled back and noticed that his eyes were incredibly dark and the purple circles under his eyes were instantly noticeable.

        "You're bleeding," he stated. He set me down and his gaze raked over my body. I could see his jaw clench when he looked over all the welts, cuts, and bruises all over my body. 

         "I'm okay," I said unconvincingly. He looked past me to the burning church. "Kathy told me everything that was happening." He looked back down at me. "I'm proud of you," he said. I forced a smile. I wasn't proud. I had murdered hundreds of people within twenty minutes and the guilt was starting to weigh heavy on my shoulders. 

         "Come on," Kaleb said softly. "Let's go home." I nodded and he took my hand as we ran back together, the pack following behind us.

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