Chapter 4

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Next, I had gym. It wasn't too bad. We had to run a mile and do some extra work outs, but all in all, it was pretty easy. When we were done, I went to the locker room to change back into my new clothes and sprayed a little body mist, so that I didn't smell musty, though I had no idea if I was or not. I slid my sneaker back on and walked out to head to my next class, which was biology.

        I was a little late, considering that the gym was on the other side of the school. I walked in and there was only one seat left, all the way in the back corner which I most likely would have sat in anyway, if only the other seat wasn't taken by him.

        I was actually a little surprised to see the guy from the gala here. He was sitting there with a blank expression on his face, just as he had that night, when I apologized for bumping into him. 

       I looked around once more to make sure that there wasn't another seat that I had somehow missed, but there wasn't. I took a deep breath and walked towards the empty seat. "Um, can I sit here," I asked hesitantly. He looked over at me, not saying a word. His arms were crossed and I could see that he had a dozen black wristbands on his right arm and on his left was a thick wristband and a silver chain that was looped around his wrist. 

        I heard a voice at the front of the classroom. "If everyone will take their seats, we will begin," said a deep voice. I looked around to see that I was the only one standing. I glanced at the guy, who was still silent and staring at me and sat down.

        The class started out with the teacher, Mr McMullen, handing out a syllabus to every student. He talked about what we would be learning and then said that where we were sitting now would be our permanent seats for the rest of the year and he passed a seating chart around for us to write our names in. 

        Great, I thought. Now I'm stuck with sitting beside this brooding douchebag all year. I saw one side of the guys mouth hitch up from the corner of my eye. I glanced at him but he immediately dropped his mouth back into a straight line. 

        Mr McMullen's voice broke through my thoughts. "Today, you have one assignment. If you don't already know your partner, get to know your partner. You guys must fill in this sheet with the information you find out about them and I will be checking for authenticity. Just think of it like an interview," he said.

        I groaned inwardly. This is bullshit, I thought to myself. Once again, I saw the guys mouth hitch up on one side and I wondered what he thought was so funny. I glanced sideways at him, but this time he looked back. He straight into my eyes, and it felt as if he were slicing through me with his sharp gaze. 

       Without reason, I felt myself blush and turned away, but I could still sense his eyes on me. Something about him just didn't… feel right. The way he was looking at me sent chills up my spine and I squirmed in my seat, uncomfortable. 

       Two pieces of paper were laid in front of me and I looked up to see Mr McMullen looking down at me before he turned and walked back to the front. The question had things like What are your interests/hobbies? Who is your idol? How old are you? What's your favorite subject?  

       He took the sheet of paper that I had slid towards him and looked it over. Then, he picked up a pencil and began writing on the paper. I was wondering what he was doing, since he was supposed to actually ask me the questions, then write my answers down, not his own. A few minutes later, he set the pencil down on the paper and slid it towards me.

       I glanced at him before picking it up to read what he had written. My eyes grew wide with shock and I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He had written down every answer, but what I was freaked out about was the fact that he had gotten them all right. Hobbies? Reading and painting. How old are you? Seventeen. What do you plan on doing after you graduate?  She hasn't decided yet.Who do you live with?  Father. Mother is deceased and no siblings.

        Every one of them was right. This didn't just send chills, this sent a whole fucking snowstorm up my back. I got goosebumps and my hairs were standing. How the hell did he know about my mother and my family? My hands started sweating and I rubbed them off on my jeans. I shakily stood and walked to the front of the room, towards Mr McMullen. 

       He glanced up at me and arched an eyebrow in question. "C- can I go to the r- restroom," I stammered. He nodded and handed me a slip of paper, which was to be used as my hall pass. 

        As soon as I shut his door, I ran towards the girls bathroom. I turned on the faucet with shaky hands, running my fingers through the cold water. I took some water and splashed my face with it, trying to calm myself down without much success. I was really shaken and I don't think that I could face that guy again. The worst part is, I knew that I had to. I had to face him eventually and I would, but first, I needed to pull my shit together.

       After a few more minutes, the trembling eased, so I took up my hall pass again and walked out, heading back to the classroom. I went inside and threw away the piece of paper then sat back down, drawing in a shaky breath. 

       The stranger was watching me, amusement in his eyes and when I sat beside him, he leaned over and I involuntarily flinched. This made his smile grow wider. "What's wrong, Angel? You seem… uneasy," he whispered. His cool breath tickled my ear and I could smell his cinnamon flavored gum. 

       I sucked in a sharp breath, ready to get this over with. I locked my jaw and turned to glare at him. "If I  ask you these questions, are you going to answer them?" He pulled back, lounging in his seat again. He tilted his head, looking at me with an amused expression. 

       "Sure," he said at last. I looked down at the list of questions and went to fill in the first blank. "What's your name?" He smirked then he wore a straight face.

       "That's classified information," he said. I narrowed my eyes. "Look, dude. I don't plan on failing this class, I don't need to because I need to pass so that I can actually do something with my life. So will you please do me a favor and just answer the fucking question?" I was pissed and he was enjoying it.

        "I didn't know you were so hotheaded, Angel." I clamped my jaw shut. "Don't call me that." He smirked again and once again, I felt a chill run up my back. He reached over and took the paper from me, then picked up his pencil and began to write. Once he was done, he pushed the paper back towards me and I scanned over it. His name was Daniel Sinner, which I thought was a little ironic, if that was even his real name.

        "You can just call me Dani, Angel," he said in his deep, rumbly voice. "I would give you my number, but I know you'll never call. Just like I know that you're going to go home and finish reading that book of yours, like you do everyday." I froze and turned to him. 

        "You don't know me," I said in defiance. He leaned over again, his cool, cinnamon breath fanning over my face. "That piece of paper says otherwise." Then the bell rang and I jumped up.

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