Chapter 34

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I didn't know how much time had passed. I just wanted to get out of here. I felt anger sparking within me, but my wolf wasn't coming out because of the stupid spell. The door creaked open again, and Dani walked back down the stairs.

        "Are you ready Angel?"

       I looked at him in disgust. Did he really just ask me if I was ready to be sacrificed? Who does that? 

        "If you were going to kill me anyways, then why bother saving me from the house fire," I asked him, trying to stall. He leaned against the doorway and crossed his arms.

         "Because if you died then, it wouldn't be a sacrifice. In case you're wondering, the difference between us killing you in a fire and killing you on a table, is that when we slaughter you on the table, your blood has to trickle in the veins of the artifice, so we can call the truce with the archangels and tell them that you're dead. You'll be like a little lamb in the old days. Kill you to save ourselves," he said with a wicked smile.

        "What's so special about me? What's wrong with some rogue werewolf or something?" He threw his head back and laughed.

        "Because Angel, you are a catalyst wolf. The only one that has ever existed, though you don't know that yet because your powers haven't been discovered yet. You have to be so angry that you just can't hold it back anymore, which is what we're counting on. The sacrifice won't work if you haven't used your power yet," he explained. 

        "Okay… So how exactly do you plan on doing that," I asked.

         He laughed again and I could see the evil gleam in his eyes. "Easy, love. Torture. That usually pisses people off good enough. Then if that doesn't work, then I guess we'll have to go find Kaleb. I bet it'll really make you mad when we kill him. So I suggest you submit to the physical torture." 

        I blanched and felt like throwing up. I wouldn't want him to torture me, but I'm not letting him kill my mate either. "You're a psychotic son of a bitch, you know that right?" He smirked and said "Thanks for the compliment Angel."

         He walked forward and unlocked the chains from around my wrists. Before I could try anything, he grabbed my arms and pulled me up, securing me while he dragged me upstairs. We went down several hallways and turned numerous times until finally, he stopped in front of wooden double doors. He pushed them open and dragged me into a room full of people. No. A room full of angels.

        They all stood as we entered, some grinned maliciously as we walked past and others had a hint of sympathy. It just wasn't enough. There was a stone altar at the front of the room, which was surround by men. After another look around, I realized that there were only about five women here. 

        They all stared at me while he dragged me to the down the aisle and I realized that this room resembled a church's sanctuary, with pews on either side. I thought he was going to throw me on the table, but he veered to the right, bringing me towards a wooden pole that was connected from the high ceiling to the floor. 

        Dani took my arms and bound them with a thick rope. He took the excess and tied it tightly around the pole so that I was standing with my arms above my head. Dani turned towards the crowd and said "We will do this for two hours. If this doesn't work, then I want Marcus, Braxton, and Damien to go find the vampire. Got it?" Three men standing close together nodded and I took them to be the one's he had named. 

        I was still in the same thin tank top and shorts that they had captured me in, which meant that whatever they were going to do to me, I wouldn't even be protected by a layer of clothes.

         A man walked up and held up a whip with a devilish smile on his face. I swallowed. They were going to beat me like Jesus. I accidentally laughed out loud at the irony. That's exactly what I seemed like right now. They had captured me and tied me to a piece of wood to beat me then they were going to "sacrifice" me so that I could save their race. The difference between me and Jesus; I didn't give a damn if they died.

        I heard the crack of the whip and felt a searing pain in my side. I hissed with clenched teeth at the stinging sensation. They continued to beat me and whip me but I held back my tears. I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry, no matter how much I wanted to. I squeezed my eyes shut and took hit after hit. 

        I could feel the trickle of blood everywhere on my body. They kept beating me and I kept my eyes closed. I didn't know how long it was, it felt like an eternity, but it must have been around two hours because Dani stepped up again.

        "Braxton, Damien, Marcus. Go get him," he ordered. My eyes snapped open. "No," I yelled. I was surprised by how strong my voice was. The three men kept walking.

        "No," I screamed. "Stop! Dani please. Don't do this. He didn't do anything wrong!" Dani smirked and the three men went out the door. I felt the rage building, exactly like thet had wanted. 

        I clenched my fists and kept yelling at Dani to order his men back, but he didn't stop them which only pissed me off even more. Then, everything went blank.

Dani's P.O.V.

         After the men walked out, Arianna's face grew darker in color. She kept screaming and pleading with me but I did nothing. Honestly, I felt bad for doing this to her. I had actually loved her, but as leader of the Fallen Angels, I had to protect my people, no matter the cost. 

        When she stopped screaming abruptly, everyone turned to look at her and I gasped. Her eyes were now a milky white color and her fists were clenched above her head, which surprised me, because I would have thought her arms were numb by now. Suddenly, the stain glass windows in the church shattered.

        There were strong winds blowing in and it was destroying everything in its path, like a tornado. A fire started out of nowhere in the back of the church and that's when I realized that the cataclyst wolf had finally been set free. The wooden doors burst open and the three men I had sent out flew back in the room, quite literally.

        They weren't touching the ground and their earsplitting screams rang throughout the sanctuary as they were tossed into the fire. We heard a crackling noise and we turned to see that Arianna's rope was being burned off of her arms. "Secure her," I demanded. Several of my men rushed forward but were pushed back with an invisible force. She fell to the ground when the ropes broke and then she looked directly at me.

        She rose in the air like a fucking demon moved her hands in a strange motion. The ceiling started crumbling and falling on my men one by one. She set each of the piles on fire after burying the fallen angels underneath it. They were all dead. I pulled out the gun that I had remembered was tucked in the waistband of my pants.

        I started firing the bullets at her but no avail. None of them hit her and when I ran out of ammo, I threw it to the side. I felt myself being lifted from the ground and came face to face with her. I tried to move but my efforts were in vain. My arms were placed stiffly by my side and my legs wouldn't move either. 

        She pulled me forward, only a yard away from her. With the sound of flames crackling and the fierce winds blowing around us, she was only audible enough for me to hear her.

         "You and your people will burn like you were supposed to in Hell," she hissed between her teeth. She threw me down to the ground and I felt the flames licking up my legs and screamed in agony. Fallen angels weren't supposed to feel anything, yet I felt every bit of this and it was incredibly painful. I screamed and screamed, still not able to move until finally, the fire consumed me and I took my last breath.

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