Chapter 5

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If I'm completely honest, Dani was a little intimidating, but I could feel something there, pulling me closer to him, like he's a magnet and I'm an unwilling piece of metal. I quickly walked to my red Camaro, opening my door carefully, so as not to hit the motorcycle that was dangerously close to my car.

       I sat in the driver's seat, taking deep breaths to calm myself down. I closed my eyes and shook my head. How did he know those things about me? Was he… watching me? If so, then for how long? I was a little creeped out to be honest. I pulled out of the lot, finally, and made my way back to my new home.

       I pulled into the two car garage and locked my car. Dad was at work so I had the house all to myself tonight. I ordered a pizza with the money Dad left me. After a few hours, I ordered a large cheese and went upstairs to change into something more comfortable. 

        After changing into a pair of gray sweatpants and a matching stretchy tank, I went to wash the dishes while waiting for the delivery guy. As I was putting the dishes away, there was a knock at the door. I grabbed the money from the counter and went to answer. I opened the door with a polite smile, only to see the last person that I was expecting.

       The hair on my arms stood up and I shuddered as he smiled down at me. I stood there, mouth agape and I was sure that I resembled a fish. This was bad. If he was here now, then that meant he knew where I lived now, and I didn't feel comfortable with that at all. "That'll be nineteen dollars and fifty-two cents, Angel," he said, his voice snapping me back to reality. 

        I shook my head to clear my thoughts and gave him the twenty dollars. "Keep the change," I mumbled. Stay. Talk to me. I looked sharply up at him. I thought he was talking but it was… weird. "How-" I began. Forget about it. Talk about something else. I blinked, trying to clear away the thought, but it was stuck there. "Um, so is your last name really Sinner," I asked. I don't know why I did though. I wanted him to leave.

         "Yes. Ironic isn't it?" I bit my lip and nodded. What's wrong Angel? I gasped quietly. It was like he was speaking to my thoughts. It was definitely him, though I had no evidence of it. His expression was calm, not the usual smirk, but he was just staring at me. 

        My eyes widened and before I knew what I was doing, I pulled the pizza in and slammed the door in his face. I squeezed my eyes shut, wondering what the hell just happened to me. I took a deep breath and went to sit on the couch, taking out a slice of my cheese pizza, but then there was another knock on the door. I opened It cautiously.  He was still standing there, and his expression confused me. He looked like he was feigning shock, but I didn't know what he was shocked about. 

        "You forgot your change," he said, holding out his hand. I opened my hand and he set the change down in my empty palm, but then he grabbed my fingers and closed it for me and I felt like I was being shocked. My vision grew hazy and I gasped at his warm hand.

        Pictures were flashing through my mind, but it was like they were right in front of me. A full moon on a starry night. A wolf's howling in the distance. Trees blurring past as I ran. Then, I saw Kalebs face, running beside me. The flickering of images were over and I looked to see that Dani's eyes were wide in shock.

        "You're the one," he said. "You're going to do it." My mind and heart were racing. I had no idea what he was talking about. "What do you mean," I asked. "What was that?" He took a deep breath, and without another word, he turned and walked away. 

       For a split second, I thought of running after him and demanding an explanation, but in the end I decided against it and tried not to get shaken up by whatever that was.

        I sat back down and ate my pizza, pondering the situation that just happened. I wasn't sure what he meant by those words, but it creeped me out even more than he did. I didn't know the answer, but I intended to find out.     

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