Chapter 31

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Kaleb's P.O.V.

She stood before me, staring at me strangely. I had only been gone two weeks but she had changed somehow. I didn't think it was possible that she could get any more beautiful, but she had found a way. She wouldn't stop staring at me and I glanced at Dani.

         I couldn't read his expression, as usual, but he seemed upset. His jaw locked and he turned and left without a word to anyone. Anna was still watching me with a dazed expression. Her eyes were set in determination and I longed to hear what she was thinking. 

      "Anna? Are you okay?" She smiled and her eyes lit up. I was so confused at that moment. I glanced back at Kathy who's been standing by the stove the whole time. She was looking between me and Anna and a smile appeared on her face. "Kathy? What's happening?" She shook her head a little and walked out. 

        Anna suddenly flung herself at me and I was taken by surprise. She crushed her lips against mine and I kissed her back out of reflex. This wasn't right. Dani had just left and she's throwing herself at me? There was something wrong. I pulled away and looked at her, skeptically.

        "What are you doing," I asked. Her face showed confusion but then it fell and I felt guilty for some reason. Tears filled her eyes and I kind of panicked. What was wrong with her? Did something happen while I was gone? Her mood swings were driving me crazy. A thought flashed in my mind. Is she pregnant? Please don't be pregnant, I pleaded silently. I don't know if I would be able to handle that. 

        "Anna, what's wrong," I said a little softer. She came towards me again and pulled my face down to hers once more. Again, I had to pull away. Why was she acting like this? She loved Dani didn't she?

Arianna's P.O.V.

        He pulled away again and he looked confused and a little angry at the same time. "Anna stop. What's wrong with you? What are you doing?" The tears that threatened a second ago started to fall.

       If he didn't want me then that would change everything. I don't know how long I could make it if he didn't want to be with me. I needed him more than anything. I needed him like I needed air.

        My lip began to quiver and I pushed out the question. "You- you don't want me?" Alarm flashed across his face. 

        "What? Anna, calm down. What are you talking about. Please don't cry," he pleaded. That only made me cry harder because he didn't answer my question. Kaleb didn't love me. He didn't want me and that hurt more than anything. It was worse than my first shift.

         "I love you! You're my mate, but you don't want me," I cried. Realization took over his beautiful features and he looked shocked. "Are you serious?" I nodded my head to answer him and I couldn't stop the flood of tears. 

        He pulled me against him and I immediately leaned my head on his chest. It felt right. It felt safe and this was my new solace. This didn't mean he wanted me though. It meant that he felt bad for me. I wrapped my arms around his torso and held on tightly, never wanting to let him go. I remembered what Mom had said a couple weeks ago when she was explaining the Claiming moon.

        She said that I would feel obsessed until he gave himself to me. I was already obsessed. I wanted all of him. He was mine and no one else's. If I couldn't have him then no one could and I will kill anyone who thinks otherwise. He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and my heart went erratic.

        "Anna," he said softly. I looked up at him when he spoke, wanting to melt in the sound of his voice and loved the way he said my name. "I want you. I always have, but… what about Dani?" 

       Uh oh. Now I understood what my mom was warning me about. I had been so sure that Dani would be the one that I couldn't let him go. I had been selfish and stupid and now I had hurt him. He was standing right there for goodness sake and he was probably reading my mind too. 

       I felt bad now. Both my mom and I had left him for a different guy and he had been hurt. I couldn't imagine myself going after him though. I only saw Kaleb. 

       "I don't care about Dani," I whispered quietly. "I only want you." Kaleb still seemed confused, but his eyes softened. I pulled him down to me and kissed him. It was soft at first, but then I wanted even more. I pushed harder against him, wanting to be as close as possible. He suddenly pushed away.

       I gasped and open my eyes to look at him. He was standing with his back facing me. His fists were clenched tightly at his sides. I walk around him so he'd face me.

       He was staring intently at the wall and I could see that his whole body was trembling. I furrowed my brows, worry washing over me, and I laid a hand on his arm. "Kaleb," I asked softly.

       I startled back a little when he hissed at me, baring his elongated fangs. I had never seen his fangs before and they were incredibly long and sharp. His eyes darkened to the point that they looked black instead of their usual cloudy gray. He squeezed his eyes closed and took deep breaths. What was wrong with him? What did I do?

        He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. They were back to his natural color and his fangs were no longer visible when he spoke. "I'm sorry," he said. "I haven't hunted in a while." I hadn't even noticed the dark circles under her eyes until now. 

        He's basically saying that if he hadn't stopped where he did, I would become his next meal. I thought of what would happen if he sunk his teeth into me. My stomach clenched and his nostrils flared. He could smell my arousal and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing at the moment. "I'm going to go hunt. Now." He sped out the back door and into the forest beyond. 

        I needed to gain some self control. I can't act this way around him all the time. No matter how much I wanted him, he was a vampire. He couldn't always control himself like that and to be honest, I couldn't either.

       I went upstairs and laid on my bed, waiting impatiently for his return and thinking over everything that's happened today.

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