Chapter 23

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Dani told me to stop a block away from the warehouse so we didn't risk being caught again. When I pulled over to the side of the road, I just stared at the steering wheel, biting my lip. What's on your mind, Angel?

        I looked at him and phrased my question. "Will you get in trouble? For being with me and fighting Marcus?" He said nothing, just watched me with a somber expression. "I don't know love. But you don't need to worry about that, okay? I'll be perfectly fine." When I responded, I barely even heard myself. "Okay." 

        He leaned over the console and kissed me softly. When he pulled away, I turned my head and gripped the wheel. "Stay safe. Please," I told him. He didn't say anything as he opened the door, leaving me behind in the car. 

        I was worried and nervous about what they might do to Dani and I remembered Marcus' words before I was flung from the balcony. "Traitor." I didn't even remember the ride back to the mansion. After parking, I stepped out and walked to the door, opening it since it was already unlocked.

       When I stepped over the threshold, the scent of cookies immediately slapped me in the face. I smiled and walked into the kitchen to be met with Kathy. She smiled at me. "Nice to see you back, eh? Kaleb's out back, swimming. Want a cookie?" I nodded and grabbed a chocolate chip cookie from the pan. 

       "Mmm," I groaned. It was so good and warm and the chocolate chips melted on my tongue. Kathy laughed and turned back to store the cookies into a bowl. I told Kathy that I was going to go change, since it was scorching in my jeans and sweater.

        I came back down in a pair of shorts and a tank top. I went through the kitchen and slid open the glass door to step out into the backyard. Just then, Kaleb emerged from the water, slinging his dark, wet hair back out of his face. He smiled at me with his piercing gray eyes. 

       "Hey. Wanna get in with me?" I shook my head with a small smile. "Nope. I'm good. Thanks though," I said. He raised a questioning eyebrow.

       "Can't swim?" 

       I scoffed. "Yes. I can swim." 

       An amused expression took over his features now. "Why won't you get in with me then?"

       "Because I don't want to."

        He sighed then held his hand out. "Will you help me out then?" I snorted and backed away. "Do you think I'm stupid? This is like the cliche part of the movie where I try to help you and then you pull me in. You are perfectly capable of swimming over to that ladder over there and climbing out." His amused smile grew bigger.

       "Okay. Fine." He went under, fully submerged and then disappeared. The water was clear and blue, yet I didn't see him anywhere in the pool. "Kaleb?" Lightning quick, I was lifted from the ground and next thing I knew, I was underwater. 

       I broke through the surface to see Kaleb smiling at me. "Are you fucking serious?" He laughed and nodded. "Yep. I am completely serious." I locked my jaw moved my hand to splash him. When the water splashed over his face, he opened his eyes and they narrowed slightly, and a mischievous smirk replaced the amused and triumphant one.

       "You really wanna play this game with me Anna?" My eyes widened and I shook my head vigorously. He leaned towards me and I instantly squeezed my eyes shut and disappeared under the water. I used the wall to thrust myself forward, but he still caught me. He pulled me up to the surface and I felt the water being repeatedly slung at my face.

        I couldn't help laughing. "That's cheating," I said, trying to splash him back, though I think my efforts were in vain. He finally stopped and I cautiously opened one eye. He had disappeared yet again. I looked around, but still didn't see him. Then, I felt myself being lifted out of the water. I squealed in surprise and felt my feet being planted on solid ground. 

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