Chapter Eight: The Truth

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Chapter Eight: The Truth

"Kaity!" Kaity stirs in her sleep. "Kaity!" A bang on her bedroom door makes her sit up slightly. She looks over to see Billy whos awake and he raises his eyebrow at her. "Hold on!" She shouts, throwing the blanket off of her and climbing over Billy. She rushes over to her dresser, digging through one of the drawers. She slips on a pair of light blue shorts and a random teeshirt and he tosses Billy his gym shorts that he let her borrow. He slips them on and Kaity unlocks her door and opens it just enough so Dustin could only see her. "Can I help you?' She asked and he pushes past her. "So we have a....problem..." He trails off when he sees Billy laying in her bed who sends Dustin a small wave. Dustin looks around her room to see the clothes that were strolled around the room. "Oh, gross!" Kaity roll her eyes and pushed his shoulder so he would face her. "What is it that you needed so badly?" She asked, crossing her arm. Dustin glanced at Billy then grabbed Kaity's arm before dragging her out into the hallway and shutting her door. "What are you doing?"

"We have a problem," Dustin tells her, cutting her off. "What's the issue?"

"So, Meews is dead..."

"He is? You saw him? Where's mom?' Kaity asked all at once, her furrowed. "She is out looking for him." She narrows her eyes at him. "But you just said he was dead..."

"I did, and he is but mom can't know he's dead because he was murdered by a creature named Dart I found in our trash."

"A what in the trash?" Kaity asked, very confused at to what was happening. "I found this little creature in our trash Halloween night and he has grown very fast and he ate Meews." Kaity blinked at him. "So you find this weird mysterious creature that you named and you didn't think to tell me?"

"Well, it wasn't a problem at first!" Kaity's bedroom door opened and Billy leaned against the door frame, fully dressed in his clothes from last night. "I'm gonna go try to get a hold of the guys." He says as he pushes past her down the hallway. "What's his deal?" Billy asks and Kaity sighs. "He just upset about our cat, it died." Kaity partially lied. "So I need to be here with him for a little bit and help him grieve you know?" Billy nods, stepping out into the hallway. "Yeah, I understand." He nods and Kaity walks back into her bedroom and begins to get fully dressed. "I'll take you home." Billy nods and she leads him out her room and towards the front door. "Dustin! I'll be back!" Dustin runs around the corner wearing yellow rubber gloves, holding a bottle of bleach in his hands with his headset ontop of his head with the microphone attached. He looked crazy. "Where are you going?"

"I'm taking him home and then I'll be right back..."Kaity began to push Billy out the door and made the gesture with her finger, swirling it around near the side of head mouthing, "You look crazy." Dustin rolls his eyes and goes back to whatever he was doing and Kaity shut the door. "He didn't kill the cat, did he?" Billy asked, obviously joking but Kaity laughed nervously. "Nah, he didn't." She shook her head as she walked around her car and getting into the driver's seat and Billy climbs in next to her as she starts the car. The drive was quiet besides the radio and the sound of Kaity's car. Billy held her hand the whole time and he would occasionally bring it up to his lips, kissing her knuckles making her smile. Eventually, they pull to a stop in front of Billy's house and he looks at her. "I'll see you in a few hours okay?" Billy asks and Kaity looks at the clock on her dashboard, shocked to see that it was 4:30 in the afternoon. "We really slept all day?" Kaity askes shocked with wide eyes. "We did have a pretty busy night." He shrugged with a smirk. "That's true." She nods and he cups the side of her face, bringing her in for a sweet kiss. Their lips move together and she just wanted to melt into him. Billy pulls away, looking into her eyes. "You might want to cover that up," Billy says, touching her neck. Kaity turns to look in her rearview mirror to see the hickey on her neck and she looked at Billy with wide eyes. "William Hargrove!" She scolds, slapping his arm, making him laugh. "See you later, I'm picking you up at 6:30." He winks, sneaking another kiss before hopping out of her car.

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