Chapter Nine: Junkyard Standoff

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Chapter Nine: Junkyard Standoff

The world around Kaity was dark and she looked around her. She was laying on her bed in her bedroom. "Billy?" Kaity called, he wasn't lying next to her anymore. Something felt very off and she could tell that something was wrong. Lightning struck outside her bedroom window beside her bed and she jumped. Her room was grey, lack of light and color. There were specks of what looked like ash floated around the room and she swallows, knowing exactly where she was. She slowly pulls herself out of bed, unsure as to why or how she was here. She catches a glimpse of herself in her body length mirror and she walked towards it then suddenly fell back when a dark form took her place. "What are you?" She asked in a shaky voice, whatever this was, it was cold. "I'm what ends your entire existence." It spoke, it's dark, eerie voice echos around her and it made her hair stand on end and goosebumps form on her arms. "What do you want?"

"To end you all."

"Kat!" Kaity blinks her eyes a few times and Billy was knelt down next to her, his hands on her shoulders. She turns her head, being met with her own reflection. She was on her floor in her now normal bedroom, no shadow figure insight. Her chest was heaving up and down and some blood trickled out her nose. Billy moved to grab a tissue then knelt back down next to her, cleaning the blood off from under her nose. "Do you always sleepwalk?" Billy asked and Kaity shook her head. "I wasn't sleep walking."

"So you were in the Upside Down?" Steve asked, leaning forward. They were all in her living room. Steve, Page, and Dustin were sat on the couch, she was sat in her moms chair and Billy was leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. "Yeah," She nods. "Is that normal?" Billy asked, making her switch her attention to him. "For you to somehow travel there while you're asleep?" He clarified and she shook her head. "No, It's not." She rubs her face and then she looks to her brother. "I think that day in the field when I touched Will while he was having one of his episodes and felt what he felt, I somehow got connected to whatever he's dealing with and whatever is in him is using his energy to talk to me."

"I mean, that makes sense but why would it want to talk to you if it already has Will?" Kaity shrugs, not knowing the answer. "Are you going to be okay with doing this today?" Steve asked and Kaity nods. "Yeah, I'll be fine." Steve nods and stands. "Well, let's get on the road." Steve claps his hands and heads to the front door, walking out and Dustin follows after him and Kaity stands. Page squeezes Kaity's hand, giving her an encouraging smile before following Steve and Dustin outside. Kaity walks towards the door and Billy stops her. "You sure you're okay?" She smiles softly at him, placing her hand on the side of his face. "I'm okay." He looks her in her eyes and nods, leaning in to kiss her, savoring her lips. "Okay lovebirds, let's go!" Steve yells and Kaity pulls away, laughing and Billy just smirks. He grabs her hand and leads her out of the house. They all load into Steve's car. Steve driving, Dustin in the passengers' seat and Page, Kaity and Billy in the backseat. So the plan was to start at the train tracks and walk them all the way to the junkyard. They would be placing meant along the train tracks, hopefully leading Dart to the trap they were going to set up in the junkyard. Billy had his arm wrapped around Kaity and she leaned into his side and she rested her head against him and he placed a kiss to her forehead, making her smile. Kaity adjusted her headband.

"You alright?" Billy asked and she nodded. "I'm okay, Cali. I promise." She tried reassuring him and he nodded, rubbing her shoulder with his thumb absentmindedly. He's been like this since her little episode this morning. She knew he was worried about her and she was very thankful for him. Not a lot of people could hear the things she told him and still stick around. Billy was dealing with her crazy life like a champ and she was thankful that he was because she didn't want to lose him by her side. Eventually, the five of them arrive at the train tracks and they all pile out of Steve's car. Steve pops the trunk and opens it. Billy helps Steve unload the buckets of meat and Kaity smiles, happy to see they are somewhat getting along with each other. Kaity could hear some muffled talking come through Dustin headset and she focused on it.

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