Chapter Three: Mornings are for Annyoence and Contemplation of Murder

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Chapter Three: Mornings are for Annyoence and Contemplation of Murder

"Dustin Henderson!" Kaity shouts, racing through the house after her little brother. He stands behind the couch as she's in front of it. "Oh, you want this?" Dustin asked with a mocking tone, dangling the necklace from his hand that she planned on wearing today but her shit head of a little brother had other plans. The day was starting out fine for Kaity, she got good sleep and took a shower. She was dressed in a black turtle neck that was tucked into her high wasted black jeans and her combat boots. She had the gold chained necklace sitting on her vanity when Dustin suddenly burns into her room and snatched it off her vanity leading them into this situation. "Give it back." She growled at him. She didn't understand why he had to toy with her like this for absolutely no reason. She guesses it was just a little brother thing. "Nope." He said popping the P and Kaity lunged onto the couch trying to grab for Dustin but he moves away quickly. As Dustin's about to run down the hall again, their mom emerges from her room, stopping Dustin in his tracks.

"What are you guys yelling about this early in the morning?" Their mom asks, placing her hands on her hips as she looks at her two children. "The little ass hole stole my necklace!" Kaity shouted as she pointed at him. "No, I didn't!" Kaity eyes widened. "Dude, you literally have it in your hand." She said annoyed and their mom turned to look at him and Dustin looked down at his hand, the gold chain dangling from his fingers. "Oh wow, would you look at that..." Dustin said as their mom glared at him. "How'd that get here." He chuckled softly. Mrs.Henderson, not having time for the games opening her palm, silently telling her son to give up the necklace. Dustin sighs a defeated sigh, placing the necklace in his mother's hand who then moves around him and hands the piece of jewelry to her daughter. "Dustin, stop annoying your sister so early in the morning, I can't be dealing with you two screaming so early in the morning." Their mom sighs as she walks into the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee. Kaity's hand that lays by her side glows red and then so does Dustin's ankle. Kaity pulls Dustin's leg out from under him, making him fall flat on his butt.

"What was that?" Their mom asks as she rounds the corner, seeing her son on the floor. "Dusty? Are you okay? Did you slip?" Their mom asks, concerned. Dustin looks at his sister in shock, knowing she was the cause of his fall. Kaity slipped the necklace over her head, it sitting abover her turtle neck. Kaity winks at her brother and walks towards the door. "Bye, see you guys later!" She calls as she grabs her car keys, leather jacket, and backpack, heading out the front door. Kaity slides into her car and buckles up and starts the car, loving the sound of the engine. Kaity pulls out into the street,heading straight for her destination: Hawking High School.

After a few minutes Kaity finds herself in the parking lot of the school, the blue Camero that belong to the infamous Billy Hargrove was in its usual parking spot across from hers and Billy was leaned against the side of his car, a cigarette in his hand, as always. Kaity grabs her keys and climbs out of the car. She slips on her leather jacket, shielding her body from the cool October breeze that was rolling through and she grabs her backpack, closing the door. Once she looks up she catches eyes with Billy Hargrove. Kaity notices Jessica Taylor that stood next to him and she sighs. Kaity walks around to the front of her car, leaning against the hood and dropping her bag beside her feet as she waited for Steve who she didn't see yet. She watched as Jessica flirted with Billy who had an arm leaned on the hood of his car, he was in a relaxed pose as he looked down at Jessica, a smirk on his face. Jessica was really trying her best to sleep with this guy if she hasn't already.

"Hey stranger," Kaity looked over to see Page Nelson slipping next to her. "You look cozy," Kaity commented, noticing her oversized white sweater, jeans, and boots. "I definitely am." She agrees, eyeing the people across from them. "Jessica Taylor..." Page shakes her head. "That girl is such bad news, I remember her." Kaity crosses her arms, eyeing them. "Yeah, so is he," Kaity said, talking about Billy. "Yeah, he definitely looks like bad news." Page agreed and suddenly Jessica was strolling over towards them, Billy hanging back for a second then following her. "Great," Kaity says sarcastically, kicking some dirt with her boot. The blond Jessica Taylor stops in front of the two outcast girls, hands on her hips. "Do you have a staring problem Henderson?" She asked, bobbing her head, making her high ponytail sway side to side. Billy stood by her side, observing them. "Nope. Do you have a 'not being able to mind your damn business' problem?" Kaity asked with crossed arms and Page snickers beside her. Billy smirks as he looks down at his feet. Kaity was alway good at coming up with some one liners.

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