Chapter Fifteen: Sleep Overs and Morning Conversations

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Chapter Fifteen: Sleep Overs and Morning Conversations

"I'm so glad we get to do this," Nancy says as she pushes a shopping cart, Kaity walking beside her. "No boys, no drama, just us girls having fun." Page chimes in, nudging Kaity who nods and smiles. "It'll be nice to just relax and hangout. We don't get to do that often." Nancy nods and throws a bag of chips into the buggy. "Yes! We are all either too busy with school or with our boyfriends, well...except for Page." Nancy trails off before continuing. "-or you're with Steve. We need this." Kaity nods in agreement and they continue their shopping. They grab a few bags of chips, some candy, and sodas and checked out. Once they had the food loaded into Kaity's car she begins driving. After a while of driving, she pulls in front of a familiar cabin and honks. After a few minutes, the front door opens and Eleven and Hopper come out. Hopper was carrying a bag and El was smiling happily. Kaity rolled down her window as El opened the back door to get in. "Rember to stay inside the house-"

"Okay," She nods, taking her bag away from him. she quickly gives him a hug then slides into the back seat closing the door. Page hugs El and Nancy turns around to say hi to her and Hopper leans down on Kaity's opened windows. "Just remember the rules, okay? No going to public spaces, no her talking on the phone, no-"

"Hop-" Kaity rested her hand on his, stopping him. "I know the rules. I'm going to take care of her, okay? We are all just staying at my house and that's where we are staying for the night. She's in good hands." Jim sighs and drops his head. "I know, I just worry. You know that." Kaity nods and squeezes his hand, making him look up at her. "I'll take care of her, Jim. I promise." He smiles and pats her hand. "I know you will, kid. Have fun." He peeks behind Kaity's head and points at El. "Be good for them."

"I will," Eleven says with a smile. Jim nods and pats Kaity's hand before stepping away from the car. "You call me if you need anything." Kaity nods as she started to back up. "I will." She rolled her window up and pulled out into the street and began driving. "I don't know how you convinced him to let me come," Ele said and Kaity looked at her through the mirror. "He knows that I know the situation better then anyone and I wouldn't do anything to put you in danger." Kaity shrugs. Some time passes and the girls have been chatting about different things and Kaity pulls in front of Billy's house. "I'll be right back," Kaity tells them as she climbs out of the car and heads towards the front door. Once Kaity makes it to the door she knocks on it and waits. The doors opens and she was met with a smiling Susan. "Kaity!" Susan pulls Kaity into a hug. "Come in! Max is almost ready." Kaity steps into the house and Susan shuts the door behind her. Billy's dad was sat on the couch, watching TV. "I'll go grab Max." She squeezes Kaity's hand gently then walks down the hall. Billy's dad glanced at Kaity and she looked at him. "Hello, Mr.Hargrove." She kindly greeted him and he cleared his throat. "Kaitlyn." He greeted plainly and she just stood there by the door, not saying another word. He and her still haven't gotten along with each other since the last time she came and had dinner with them. She has been over a few times after that but the two avoided each other at all costs.

Susan emerges from the hallways with Max who had her bag slung over her shoulder. "Hey, Mad Max." Kaity greeted Max who smiles. "Hey, Kaity." They hug each other and then Kaity sees Billy emerge from the hall and they smile at each other. As Billy passes through the living room, he and his father meet eyes but Billy looks away from him and wraps his arm around Kaity's shoulder when he got close enough. "I'll walk them out," Billy tells Susan who nods. "You girls have fun." Susan hugs her daughter. "You behave for Kaity and listen to everything she tells you, okay?"

"Okay, mom." Max groans and Kaity hugs Susan. "Thank you for letting me take her for a night." Susan smiles. "No, thank you. This is really good for her." They say their goodbyes and Kaity, Max and Billy step outside. Max jogs over to the car and climbs into the back with Page and El. "I'm happy you two get to hang out together, she talks about you non stop," Billy says as him and Kaity walk towards her car, hand in hand. "Me too, I love her to death." Billy smiles and they stop at the drivers door. "I love you. Have fun tonight." Billy kisses her gently on the lip, keeping it PG for everyone in the car. "I love you too, don't miss me too much." She winks at him as she opens her car door and slides into the seat. Billy leans his arm against the top of the car and leans into the car. " Can't promise anything." He winks at her then looks up and waves at Nancy, Page and Eleven. "Ladies." He greets them with a nod and smile. "I love you, babe." He kisses Kaity quickly on the lips then looks at his sister. "Love you, Max. Don't be an asshole okay?" Max flips him off making him laugh. "I love you too, jerk." She says with her arms crossed. "Have fun girls." He kisses Kaity's cheek then steps back and closes her car door.

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