Chapter Twenty-Two: Like A Roller Coaster

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Like A Roller Coaster

Kaity had a hard time sleeping that night. Her mind was racing and so many things were picking at her throughout the night. Anytime she would fall asleep though, darkness would creep into the crevices of her mind, making her shoot up in a panic ever single time. As the rain pounded against her window she tossed and turned, not being able to fully fall asleep. She tried to call Max and talk to her about Billy but yet again, no one at the Hargrove residence answered that damn phone. She wondered if Max also noticed the difference in Billy's behaver. Throughout the night, her hair kept standing on end, reminding her of the damage the Mind Flayer caused last year. She couldn't wrap her brain around how he could possibly be back. She and El closed the gate. They did and everything was sealed up after the lab was shut down so it didn't make sense. She can remember staring the Mind Flayer in the face as she held back his tentacle like arms and closed the gate at the same moment. How it's anger radiated off of him and she could feel how pissed it was.

Kaity watches as the night sky started to bleed with orange and then became a clear blue sky. She laid on her bed, facing her window. Her curtains were pulled open as she stared out at the baby blue summer sky. The color of the sky reminded her of Billy's baby blue eyes that have captivated her since day one. Kaity begins to think that Billy wasn't being an asshole jerk now and that maybe he go tangled in with the Mind Flayer somehow. His sweaty form, shielding his eyes from the sun that he loves flashed through her mind. The Mind Flayer hates the heat but loves the cold and Billy Hargrove was the complete opposite. She hoped she was wrong, that it wasn't true. She would rather him just turn into an asshole then being controlled by the Mind Flayer.

The phone ringing down the hall brought Kaity out of her thoughts. She throws her blanket off of her and pulls herself out of bed. She could really feel the lack of sleep now that she had to get up and move around. She exits her bedroom and walks down the hall and stops by the phone. Kaity picks up the phone, placing it to her ear. "Henderson Residence." She said tiredly, rubbing her eyes. "Kaity!" The voice of Mike Wheeler echoed down the phone and he sounded  panicked."Mike? Is everything okay?" She leaned her shoulder against the wall. "I need you to come to my house as soon a possible! It's an emergency, a code red emergency. Something bad is happening." Kaity swallows hard. "Where is Dustin? We've been trying to get a hold of him." Kaity glanced down the hall where his bedroom is. "I have no idea. I'll be there as soon as I can, okay?" She and Mike hung up the phone and Kaity quickly went into Dustin's bedroom, seeing that he was nowhere in a sight. "Dustin, where the hell are you kid?"

Kaity hurried out to her car, Mike words replaying in her mind. She made sure to eat breakfast before she left because even though she wasn't in the mood to eat, she had someone she had to take care of. Kaity had taken a quick shower and gotten dressed in a black spaghetti strap shirt and ripped jeans with her combat boots and she took the silver band back out of her draw and it was back on her finger. No matter how mad or frustrated she was with Billy, she couldn't help but want to wear the silver band he gave her. Her damp hair was thrown into a low ponytail, not given much thought. She was trying to make it to Mike house. For the time she has spent with the kids, she's learned that a code was red was high on the danger and priority list.

"I didn't think it was anything at first," Kaity was leaned against the wall of the basement as all the kids, Lucas, Mike, Max, and Eleven all looked at Will as he spoke. "I mean, I think I just didn't want to believe it. The first time I felt it was at Day of The Dead," Will explained and Kaity's eyes widened. "So did I." Everyone turned to look at her. "At first I didn't know what the feeling was or where I had felt it before..." She shook her head as she rubbed her arm. "Okay so Kaity felt it too and the power aslo went off that night."

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