Chapter Four: Bad Guy Gone Soft

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Chapter Four: Bad Guy Gone Soft

Kaity sat against a tree, her legs crossed and a book in hand. A summer breeze blows through, pushing a few strands of her hair that's fallen from her ponytail into her face. She brings a hand up, pushing back the rebellious hairs as her eyes try and read over the page she was currently on in her book. Kaity looks over when she feels a presence appear beside her and she smiles when she sees who it is. "Hey," She says, her eyes roaming over Billy. He wore a white teeshirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of jeans. His hair was a brighter shade of blonde and his eyes still looked like they held the sky in them. "Hey there," he greets her and she is suddenly very aware of how their legs and arms are touching. "What are you doing here?" Kaity asks as she closes her book. "I can't stop thinking about you," Billy admits, his fingers gliding over her leg gently, causing goosebumps to form wherever his fingers touched her skin. "Really?" She asks softly, her eyes moving from his hand to his eyes that were dangerous and it rose an excitement in Kaity. Billy smirked as he trailed his hand up her leg, up her arm, up her neck and eventually stopping on her cheek. "Yes, always." He says softly, the air hot between them. Billy inches his face closer to her, his eyes flicker around her face. Kaity moves forward, her eyes fluttering closed. She can feel his lip barely graze her lips like a feather-

"Kaity!" Kaity's eyes peer open and Dustin was standing in her doorway. "You're oversleeping, you need to get your ass up!" In response, she chucks her pillow at him but he closes the door before she could hit him. Kaity grabbed another pillow and placed it over her face, letting out a frustrated scream. She for one couldn't believe she was having a dream about Billy Hargrove and two, couldn't believe she was mad because it got interrupted. Kaity tosses the pillow down and forces herself out of bed. Kaity through on a pair of light blue jeans and her 'The Shining' teeshirt and her combat boots. Kaity threw her hair up in a ponytail and put on some light makeup. Kaity walks out of her bedroom and head into the bathroom taking care of all her hygiene things then heading towards the kitchen. Dustin moved from the table and placed his empty bowl in the sink. "Bye, Kaity. I'm going to the arcade after school."

"Alright, be careful." She ruffles his hair and he heads to the front door as she makes her a piece of toast. As she takes a bite of her food the phone beside the kitchen in the hall begins to ring and she walks towards it, chewing down her food. "Henderson Residence..." She takes another bite as she waits for the other person to speak. "Kate, it's Steve." She smiles at the sound of her best friend's voice. "Hey Steve-O, whats shaking?" Kaity greeted him, leaning against the wall. "I'm going to be late today, my mom is making me go to a stupid doctors appointment but I should be there before lunch." Kaity nodded, leaning against the wall. "Righ, okay. Well, I'll see you at lunch then?" She asked, taking a bite of her toast. "Yup, definitely. Bye Kaity." She hangs up the phone and sighs. A day without Steve sucks but she was happy she had Page to gossip with.

Kaity tosses on her jean jacket with her piece of toast in her mouth. With bag and keys in hand, she exits the house, making sure to lock to door behind her. Kaity ate her small breakfast on the way to school, her ears picking up at the song 'I Want To Know What Love Is' played on the radio. Her mind wanders to the feather touch of Billy's lips that she felt in her dream. She quickly changes the station, her hands tightening on the steering wheel. She finds her self in the familiar school parking lot in her usual parking spot, noticing that Billy was already here. Kaity gets out of her car and Page walks over, a smile on her face. "Good morning." She greets and Kaity blows some hair out of her face as she grabs her bag and shuts the door. "Hey," Kaity gives the girl a small smile. "What's wrong? Something seems off about you" Kaity sighs as she leaned against the hood of her car. She hated that Page knew her so well.

"I had a stupid dream, that's all." Kaity shrugs, not wanting to talk about the subject matter of the dream. "What was it about?" Kaity's attention was caught by Billy as he climbs out of his car, a cigarette between his lips and she noticed as Jessica begins to strut over to him. Page watches her friend closely, noticing the tightening of her fist and the look that burned in her eyes. "Oh my god," This caught Kaity's attention and her eyes quickly moved to her good friend that stood next to her, wide brown eyes staring at her. "You have the hots for Billy Hargrove." Kaity immediately shook her head. "Hell no!" Page gave her a face, not believing her. "I don't...I just," She sighs as her deep blue eyes move across the parking lot, seeing Billy was saying something to Jessica and by the looks of it, he was upset because he held a glare for the preppy girl and he bared his teeth as he spoke. "Was he in your dream last night?" Page asked and when Kaity looked over, the girl was wiggling her thick eyebrows making Kaity want to collapse into herself.

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