Chapter Thirty: The Traveler

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Chapter Thirty: The Traveler
Three Years Later: July 4th, 1988

Kaity moves forward, her eyes set on her destination. Once she reaches it she stops her movements and take in her surroundings. The sand under her bare feet was wet and the water rose up on the shore, splashing against her ankles. The summer breeze was cool against her skin, and when she opened her mouth it faintly tasted like salt. There was the sound of the waves crashing and the seagulls flying over head. The sun was setting just over the edge where the ocean kissed the sky. Kaity bent down so she was now propped up on her knees, her butt resting on the back of her legs. As the sun set in the horizon, the blue sky mixed with orange and red, making a beautiful scene uncover in front of her eyes. Kaity looked down at the dark urn in her hands and let out a shaky breath.

"Billy," Kaity speaks softly, her thumb moving across the smooth surface of the urn. "I'm here. I finally made it." She smiles sadly as she looked out at the California ocean. "I'm sorry it took me so long to get here I just-" She shook her head. "I just couldn't for the longest time." She admits, her eyes traveling back down to the urn. "I brought a part of you with me." Tears swell in her eyes and she doesn't fight against them as one slides down her cheek. "But I know that your already here." She smiles at the ocean. "You were a boy of the sun and the sea. Those being two of the things you loved dearly." She wipes her tears away. "A traveler..." Her free hand reaches up to her chest, holding onto the necklace of Saint Christopher that once belonged to Billy that also now held the promise ring he had given her years ago.

"You said that your mom gave you this because she believed it would keep you safe on your journey through life..." Kaity fought down a sob that rose in her throat. "And then you gave it to me for the same reason." More tears fell and she continued to look out at the ocean. "I remember that morning at your house after Halloween of '84..." She trailed off, a faint smile on her face at the thought of that Halloween night. "You made us breakfast after you let me crash at you place because I left my damn house key," She chuckles as tears fall down her face. "I asked you about this necklace because I saw you wear it every single day. You explained to me that it was Saint Christopher and explained what he represented." She licks her lips before continuing. "When Billy Junior gets older, and I explain your story..." She smiles at the thought of their son. "I'm going to give him this necklace so it can protect him during his journey though life." She lets go of the necklace, her eyes falling back down on the urn.

"It's been exactly three years today that you've been gone..." She mumbles softly, more tears falling from her eyes. "And it's been the hardest three years, honestly." She chuckles. "Little Billy looks so much like you it's unfair," She laughs, the sides of her eyes crinkling. "I swear he is your exact carbon copy, doesn't even look like me." She scoffs with a roll of her eyes. She could picture that Billy would laugh at her words and would feel so proud that his son looked just like him. "He's two now and he'll be three in October. October 27th...the same day we met." She laughs at how ironic it was. "The same day you tried to put on your Hargrove charm but I wasn't having it." She shakes her head with a chuckle. The sky was growing darker now, the sun just barley peeking over the horizon. "I'm working my way up in the Hawkins police station..." She speaks to the ocean with a smile. "I'm the sheriff now, one step away from being as good as Hop." Another tear slides down her face. "He died that day too you know...that day sucked honestly." She let out a shaky breath. "The promotions were quick and sudden, but I'm thankful. I'm thankful I can give my family the life they deserve and I'm happy I can finally say that I'm happy." She licks her lips, them salty from her tears.

"I guess this brings me to this..." She rotates the urn in her hand, the name 'William Hargrove' engraved on it. "I brought this here on this day for a reason..." She paused, letting out a shaky breath. "I'm finally ready to say goodbye. I know that because I do this you wont suddenly disappear because I know somewhere, wherever you are, you'll always look out for us." She smile at the ocean, like she was talking to him face to face. "I want to thank thank you for showing me love and kindness and for giving me the greatest gift I could ever ask for." She stands to her feet, her white sundress blowing in the wind. "My memories with you I will forever cherish and hold dear to me. I hate that our ending was a little different then what we expected...but the time I had with you meant everything to me."

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