Chapter Thirteen: A New Year

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Chapter Thirteen: A New Year


"What are you doing tonight for New Year's Eve?" Steve asked as they walked next to each other. Kaity and he were currently walking through a random shop. They both just wanted to be out of the house and hangout. Kaity shrugs as she looks at a shirt on the rack. "I think I'm going to hang out with, Billy." She shrugged. Her family didn't do anything big for New Years. Dustin kinda wandered off to be with his friends and their mom just stays home with their new cat.

"Right, gotta have that New Year's kiss." Steve nods and Kaity smiles and glances at her best friend that was currently looking at some random dress. "Have you found a girl you like yet?" Kaity asks and he glances at her then shakes his head, a chuckle coming out. "Nah, no I haven't." He says as he looks back down at another article of clothing. "Have you even tried looking?" He shook his head and she sighs. She knew he loved Nancy and she knew that their break up was hard for him but Steve was a great guy. She just wanted him to be happy. "You'll find the right one, eventually Steve." Steve laughs and shakes his head but Kaity grabs his arm, making him look down at her. "I'm serious, Steve. You're a great guy and you are bound to find the right girl for you, it might just take some time you know?" Steve licked his lips, staring at her a moment then nodded, looking away from her. "I'm just taking my time." Kaity nods in understanding and decides to drop the subject. "So," Steve starts glancing at Kaity who was looking at a pair of jeans. "I noticed the ring on your hand." Kaity looked down at the ring and smiled. "It's a promise ring, Billy gave it to Christmas Eve after you guys left."

"Ahh," Steve nods, leaning against a rack of clothes. "He's really serious about you, huh?" Steve asked and Kaity looked down at her feet then back up at him with a small smile. "I believe so, yeah. I'm serious about him too." Steve nods with a small smile. "I'm happy that your happy, Kaity." He pats her shoulder and she smiles up at him. "Thanks, Steve." The two best friends continue to shop around and then they decide to part ways and head home. They say their goodbyes and Kaity hops into her car, driving towards her house. Kaity pulls into the driveway and gets out, walking to the front door. She unlocks it and steps in, seeing her mom sat in her chair, petting the kitten in her lap. "Hey, mom." Kaity greets and her mother looks over at her. "Oh, hello honey! How's Steve?" Kaity set her bag down on the counter. "He's good, just as usual." Kaity shrugs and he mother nods with a smile, looking back at the tv. "That's great! I'm so glad you two are still friends even after all these years." Kaity nodded with a smile, sticking her hands in her pocket. "Me too." She mumbles, looking at the tv a moment then walking down the hall.

Kaity stops at Dustin's door and knocks. "Come in!" Kaity opens the door to see Dustin messing around with his turtle. "What's up nerd." She asked, plopping down on his bed. "Hey, what's up?" Dustin asks, glancing up at her with a smile. "Just wanted to check up on you, make sure you're okay." Kaity says and his smile wilters. She knew he had a crush on Max and that seeing her and Lucus together was hard. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"You sure?" Kaity asks and he nods. "I know it's hard bud but I'm happy you aren't letting it get between your friendships." Dustin stood up, and walked over, taking a seat beside her on his bed. "It sucked, like a lot but I'm okay now. Yeah, at first it was really hard but at the end of the day, Lucus is one of my best friends and I can't let someone get between that." Kaity smiled and ruffled his hair, then she slings her arm over his shoulder, pulling him into her side. "You a very wise kid, you know that?" Dustin shrugs with a small smile. "What are you doing today?" Kaity asked, her arm still around her younger brother's shoulder. "Well, here in a couple minutes I need to leave if I want to make it to the arcade on time. I'm meeting the party there." She nods in understanding. "How about we load your bike into the trunk of my car, I take you to get some ice cream, then I drop you off at the arcade and you ride your bike back home?" Dustin looks at his sister with wide eyes. "Are you serious?"

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