Chapter Five: Carrie and Tommy

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Chapter Five: Carrie and Tommy

"Kaity!" Kaity glances down at the walkie in her car that Dustin gave her a long time ago. She reaches down and presses a button down. "Dusty?" She asked confused, he never tried contacting her on this thing and he sounded panicked. "We really need your help right now!" He shouts and this began to make her worry. "What's going on Dustin?"

"Those guys from the lab are chasing us. We have Eleven and she flipped one of the vans but they are still after us!"

"Where are you?" Kaity's blood began to boil. "Over by Mike's house! A few streets over."

"Hold on." She tosses the walkie into the seat next to her and presses her foot on the gas, her car revving up loudly. She sped in the direction of Mike's house. She reaches over and grabs the walkie. "What street are you on?" She asked, looking at street signs. "Mockingbird!" She makes a sharp left on Floid street knowing that it intersects with Mockingbird. At the end of the road, she sees the boys on their bikes passing and she speeds up and turns her steering wheel so her car spins and so the bad men were on her left. She stood between them and the boys and El. She flings her hand out of her open window, a flash of red light striking one of the vans, making it fly back into the others. She yells for the kids to get in and she pops her trunk for them to hurry and put their bikes inside. Dustin and Will climbed in the front with her and Mike, El and Lucus get in the back. A man with white hair in a suit emerges from the smoke from the turned over van and Kaity stares at him, just seeing him made her sick.

Kaity flips him off then speeds off quickly, her tires squealing. "Dude," Lucus says leaning forward, placing a hand on Dustin's shoulder. "Your sister is a badass."

It's been a long week for Kaity. All week long she has been dealing with the new kid, Billy Hargrove and she hated to say it but she was getting use to having him around her. He would constantly flirt with her, or talk to her and she didn't understand why but she was just happy that it was Friday and it was Halloween, the best day of the year.

Kaity leaves her room and heads towards the kitchen but stops dead in her tracks when she sees what's unfolding in front of her. Her mother was snapping pictures of her brother who was dressed in a Ghost Busters costume. Kaitlyn burst out laughing, Dustin and their mom turned towards her. "You are such a nerd." She jokes and Dustin sticks his tongue out at her. "Oh don't you look cute!" Her mom exclaimed, snapping a picture of her unexpectedly. Kaity wore her signature boots, black ripped jeans, her Micheal Myers Halloween shirt, and a white denim jacket.

"Come take pictures with your brother." She beckons her over and Kaity sighs. After a few sets of pictures, Kaity dragged Dustin out the house so their mom would stop taking pictures of them. "Want a ride?" She asks, points her thumb towards her car. "Nah, I'll ride my bike today. Thank's though." She nods and ruffles his curly hair. "Anything for you captain dork." Dustin rolls his eyes and flips her off, causing her to laugh as she climbs into her car. Kaity blasts her radio as she drives off, feeling pumped today. It was he favorite time of the year and she gets to party. It was a win, win.

Kaity pulls up in her usual parking space, noticing that the blue Camero was already here, parked in the same space it was yesterday and Billy was leaned against the back of it, smoking a cigarette and he smirked when she pulled up. She rolled her eyes and got out, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "Kitty Kat!" He cheers and she almost gags at the nickname. "Cali," She says in a bored tone, walking towards him. "Nice shirt," He compliments, nodding to her Halloween shirt. "Thanks." She says, looking around for Steve's car. "You looking for Harrington?" He asked, blowing out some smoke. She nods and he jerks his thumb towards the school that's behind him. "He's already headed in with his girl." She narrowed her eyes and looked around, finding his car that was empty. Odd, he usually waited around for her and walked her to her first period.

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