Chapter Twenty-Four: Hospital Madness

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Hospital Madness

"I found him." El says with a bandana over her eyes and blood running out of her nose. Everyone sat around her, watching her intently. She was trying to track down Hopper so maybe he would be able to help them with their little problem. "Where is he?" Max asks, looking at her friend. "Woods." Kaity furrowed her brow. "Woods?" Lucas asked. "He's with, Wills mom." Will glanced a Mike with wide eyes then leaned forwards as he looked at Eleven. "M-my mom?" He stammers out, now feeling worried about her. "What are they doing?"

"Ill...annoy." She sounds out and Kaity bit her lip. "There going to Ill-annoy." She tells them. "Mike! Breakfast!" Karen Wheeler calls, knocking on the door to the basement. "Not now mom!" He screams, turning back to look at El. "Illinois? Illinois, like the state?" Kaity asks as Eleven take the blind fold off. Eleven shrugs, not really sure what that was. "I'll-annoy." Kaity leans back in her chair as Max stands. "Come on," Max offers her hand to Eleven who takes it. "Let's get you cleaned up." The two girls walk hand and hand into the small bathroom and shut the door behind them. Kaity could hear the water turn on and she places a hand on her stomach, rubbing circle with her thumb.

"Somethings not right," Mike stands up from where he sat and began to pase the floor. "I can't get Hopper off my back all summer now all the sudden, he's hiking with Wills mom to Illinois? And Dustin's MIA,too?" The mention of Kaity's brother made her sit up a bit, worry building in her stomach. She hasn't seen or heard from Dustin since he left the house and now she had no clue where her kid brother was. "I mean, this can't be a coincidence."

"What does it matter?" Lucas asks. "The bottom line is, they're not here. It's up to us." Kaity's eyes move to Mike when he begins to speak again. "Up to us to do what exactly?" Her eyes move back to, Lucas. "Find Billy and stop him." Kaity frowns a bit at the mention of Billy. "Okay, yeah." Mike nods. "That's a nice sentiment, but even if El," He points at the bathroom door. "Or Kaity," He motions to Kaity. "Could find him again and that's a pretty big if, then what?"

"We burn the shit out of him and make sure he doesn't escape this time." Lucas explains. "Okay, then what?"

"Then we win." Lucas says as he points at Mike. "No, see, that's the problem." Mike stops moving to face his friend. "We don't. We don't win. We got the Mind Flyer out of Will before and he just came right back. We don't just have to stop Billy, we have to stop the Mind Flayer." Kaity nodded agreeing with Mike for once. "He has a point." She speaks up and Lucas looks between the two. "How in the hell do we do that?" She looked down at her hands, not exactly having an answer for that because what they did last time didn't exactly work. "I don't know." Mike shakes his head. "Maybe El does." Will speaks up, looking at his friends. Mike turns to face the bathroom door where the two girls still were behind.

"What are they still doing in there?" Mike mumbles and Lucas gets up to stand by his friend, a box of CoCo Puffs in his hand and he munched on them. "I don't know, girls just like hanging out in bathrooms." Kaity snickered at this as she contained to rub circles onto her stomach. Will stands on the other side of Mike and Lucas offers Mike the box's of cereal and he pushes it away. "Why?" Lucas shrugs again as he pops some more cereal into his mouth. "I mean, I don't know."

"They're conspiring against me." Kaity rolled her eyes at this. "That's what your concerned about?" Will asked, annoyed. "It's not my main concern," Mike trails off looking at Will. "It's just a sub-concern."

"I thought it was already over." Lucas just stood and watched his friends, eating cereal. "It's not over okay? We're just taking a break."

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