Chapter Six: Friends

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Chapter Six: Friends

She was right, she really did hate herself.

Kaity groans when light hits her eyes and she rolls onto her side for her face to hit a solid form that seems to laugh? Kaity braces herself and opens her eyes and looks up and there she was met with the gorgeous Billy Hargrove. "Good morning baby girl." Kaity huffs and buries her head back into his chest, not even caring because her head was pounding and this helped her eyes escape from the dreaded light. Wait, was he shirtless? She lifts her head again to see he was, in fact, shirtless and he had a shit-eating grin on his face. Great. Kaity groaned, flopping onto her back, arm flying over her eyes. "Your not much of a morning person are you?"

"Not when my brain is literally ripping in half." She grumbles and he chuckles. "Alright hold on." She can feel him get up and hears a door open but she doesn't have the energy to move her arm. After some time she can hear him enter the room again. "Here," Kaity peeks from out under her arm and sees him with a glass of water and two white pills in his hand. Kaity sits up slowly and grabs the pills from him, popping them in her mouth then taking the water from him and almost downing the whole glass before handing it back to him with a sheepish smile. "Thank you." She says softly and Billy sets the glass down on a table then takes a seat on the edge of the best so he's facing her. "You're welcome." He looks her over as she rubs her eyes. "You really are a party girl huh?" Kaity laughs at this and so does he. "Yeah, I think I went a little overboard last night." Kaity jokes and she watches as he laughs. When Billy laughs, a real genuine laugh he looks really nice and handsome. He didn't look mean or cocky, he just looks genuinely happy. "Take a picture, It'll last longer." He said with a small smile, noticing her staring at him. "Too bad I don't have my camera." She quotes herself with a small smile. They both watch each other for a moment then Billy stands up and offers her his hand. "Come on, I'll make you some breakfast. My dad and stepmom aren't here."

Kaity takes his hand and he pulls her up from his bed and leads her out his room, letting go of her hand. She follows him down the hall and into the kitchen. "You can sit down." He points at the dining table and she takes up the offer and sits down watching him. "You like eggs?" He asks as he opens the fridge. "Yeah, I do." She nods and he pulls out a carton of eggs and places a pan on the stove. Kaity watches him silently as he cracks some eggs in the pan. His shirt was still off, and his muscles moved underneath his skin as he moved and she found herself not being able to take her eyes off him. Kaity forces herself to look away from him, looking down at her hands on the table. Her fingers brush over the number marked on her wrist. She glances back up at him. He looked so content and different from how he usually looks. He looked so calm and unbothered by the world. Billy wasn't being the flirty, asshole, bad boy that he made himself out to look like.

Kaity looks over to see a red-haired girl emerge from the hallway, noticing it to be his sister. "Oh hey, your Max right?" Kaity asks, causing Billy to look over. "Yeah, who are you?"

"Kaity Henderson." She offers her hand and Max looks at her unsure at first but shakes her hand. "You're Dustin's sister." Max stated Kaity nods. "Well, it was nice meeting you Kaity." Max smiled and headed for the front door. "Hey, where are you going?" Billy asks and she can hear Max sigh. "To the arcade." She leaves the house, shutting the door behind her. "I like your sister, she's cute."

"Step-sister and she can be an asshole." He continued cooking. "Well, so does Dustin but it really doesn't piss me off that much." Kaity shrugs and Billy rolls his eyes.

"Alright," Billy sighs, bringing over two plates and he sets one down in front of her and one across from her. "Thank you," She grabs the fork and digs into the plate of scrambled eggs that she had to say was pretty damn good. "I don't really cook much but I definitely know how to cook some scrambled eggs." He smiled and she nods. "It's really good, Billy." He nods and looks at her a moment. "What?" She asks and he shakes his head. "Nothing, it's just your calling me Billy now." He shrugged with a small smile. "And?" She was confused at what he was trying to get at here. "You never called me Billy. You always called me Cali or occasionally William." Kaity rolled her eyes playfully, a small smirk on her face. "Just testing out the waters, William." At this Billy rolled his eyes and the pair ate in a comfortable silence. Kaity glances up at Billy and her eyes fell on his necklace that laid flat against his chest. "What's on your necklace?" She asks, picking at her eggs. She could see that it was a person but didn't know who it was.

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