Chapter Sixteen: Daddy Issues

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Chapter Sixteen: Daddy Issues

JUNE 10th, 1985

Cool air hit bare arms as the doors opened. Light sky blue eyes drifted over their surrounding area. Once they find their target they begin to walk forward, stopping in front of the tall shelf that had colorful decorations and different party hats. "Is there anything I can help you with?" At the end of the aisle stood a young woman, maybe eighteen standing there. She twisted her black hair around her finger as she smirks, her red lips twisting to the side and her dark eyes roam over the person that stood, looking up at the shelf. "Uh, no. I'm good thanks." Billy glanced in her direction to see her smirk fall and his eyes move back to the shelf. "I guess let me know if you change your mind..." She mumbles, walking away, disappearing from his sight. Billy was use to the flirtatious remarks and comments that were made towards him, it's always happened to him and use to, he would act upon it but for the past eight or nine months, he's been the happiest he's ever been. That's because of the beautiful blue-eyed girl with a kind smile that met his fire and drive that made him realize what life could really give him. He and Kaity have been dating for about eight, almost nine months now and she was four months pregnant with the greatest gift he could ever ask for.

He smiled as he thought about Kaity. He could picture her sitting on the couch with him as they watch a movie, her hands resting on the small bump that's beginning to show and his arm behind her shoulders. His eyes roaming over her face then falling to the belly where his and her creation lived. Billy came back to reality, his eyes moving back to the party decorations. Today was Kaity's nineteenth birthday and he wanted to make it special for her. He knew she said that she didn't want anything big but in his mind, she deserved to have all the attention on her since it's her day and she was so sweet to him. When Billy turned eighteen, Kaity made Billy a cake and her and Max spent the whole day with him since his father didn't even remember his birthday.

So here he was, looking at party decorations. Steve and Page were also helping him with the planning. He sent Steve to get food and drinks and Page was in charge of the cake and making sure everyone that was coming brought a gift or food. Nancy offered that they have the party at her house and Mrs.Wheeler was excited to have a party hosted for Kaity there so Billy agreed. The Wheelers had the most space for everyone so it was a no brainer to have the party there. He felt proud of himself for thinking about his plan. Kaity was currently at work today and Billy decided to take off to get everything put together. Later in the day when everything is ready, Hopper was going to tell Kaity that he has to stop by the Wheeler's for a reason that's left up to him to make up and when they come in she will be surprised with a party just for her.

Billy smiled as he picked up a red table cloth. The color red reminded him of Kaity a lot. When she used her powers, that is the color that radiates off of her and glows from her eyes but it's more than just that. Kaity is a very romantic and passionate person but she can be very powerful and dangerous. The color was a representation of Kaity inside and out and it was one of her favorite colors and now his. Billy continued his shopping, grabbing all the decorations he could and bring them to the counter where the girl that tried to flirt with him was. She smiled when she sees Billy. To her, he was a sight to see with his white lifeguard muscle shirt that showed off his toned arms and his red swim trunks. His blond hair curly and almost perfectly placed and a mustache began to grow just above his lip. "I see you're having a party," The girl says as she scans his items. "Sure am." He nods, tapping his fingers on the counter. "It's for my girlfriend," He adds, knowing exactly what a girl like her was wanting. He's seen the looks before but this time he wouldn't fall for it. He had a strong mind and a heart that reached out and beat for only one person. Billy has grown so much as a person in the time that he has known Kaity and he was happy for the change.

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