Chapter Eleven: The Gate

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Chapter Eleven: The Gate

"Eleven," Mike says as he walks towards her. "Mike," She sighs and falls into his arms. They hug each other tightly in the middle of the room and everyone watched the sweet moment. Eleven sobs, tears falling out of her eyes and Kaity teared up watching them. She knew how important this moment must be for Eleven. She's missed Mike so much and has been waiting to see him for almost a year now and Kaity knows that Mike has done the same. "I never gave up on you," Mike says as he pulls away from her. "I called you every night, every night for-"

"353 days. I heard." she tells him and he looks at her with wide eyes. "Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?" Mike asked. "Because I didn't let her." Jim steps forwards and Mike turns around to face him. "The hell is this? Where have you been?" He asks as he looks down at El. "Where have you been?" She asks him, poking his chest. He pulls her into a hug and Mikes look on with wide eyes. "You've been hiding her. You've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike shoves Jim's back, making him turn around. "Hey!" He grabs Mike by his jacket. "Let's talk. Alone." Mike pushes away his hand and they walk off to a different room but everyone could hear Mike's shouting. Lucas and Dustin move in for a hug and she wraps her arms around them. "We missed you," Lucas says. "I missed you too."

"We talked about you pretty much every day," Dustin says as the three pull away from the hug. Eleven stairs at Dustin then grabs his face, putting her thumb slightly in his mouth. "Teeth."

"What?" Dustin asks confused. "You have teeth," Eleven tells him and he smiles and so does Lucas. "Oh, you like these pearls?" He asks then does that weird purr noise that Kaity hated. "Eleven?" Max asks, walking forward. "Hey. Um, I'm Max. I've heard a lot about you." Max said sweetly, offering Eleven her hand. El just stared at it and Kaity rolled her eyes. A red glow formed around Eleven's hand, forcing it up into Max's hand. Eleven looks over and shoots a glare at Kaity who's eyes were glowing red. Kaity stopped using her powers and El marched over towards her. "Not fair." She crossed her arms and Kaity did the same. "You need to be nice." Kaity scolds and the two superpowered girls stare at each other then ingulf each other in a tight embrace. "I'm happy you're here," Kaity mumbles into El's hair. "Me too." She says, her head against Kaity's chest. They pull away and El turns to look a Page. "Hi, I'm Page." Page gives a short wave with a smile and El lets out a small smile. "Pretty," El says as she looks at Page who smiles bigger. "Awh, thank you." El turns toward Billy next. "Boyfriend?" El asks, looking at Kaity. Kaity bit her lip, seeing the smirk Billy wore on his face. Kaity pulled El away from him, leading her over so they could be out of earshot. "Something like that yeah." Kaity noded. "Something like that?"

"We aren't official yet."

"Offical?" Eleven asks, making Kaity sigh. "Kinda like you and Mike." Kaity tried to explain in a way she would understand and she nods. El walks over to Jocey and hugs her. "So," Billy says walking over to Kaity. "That's the girl that's like you, the one you told me about?" Kaity nods, watching as Joyce leads El down the hall. Billy wraps his arm around Kaity's shoulder, kissing her temple. She leans into him, feeling peace while in his arms. Kaity felt a little more at ease now that Eleven was here. Joyce and El come back out and she leads El over to the kitchen table. Kaity walks towards them, a crowd forming behinds them. "You've opened this Gate before right?" Joyce asked and El stared at the words written on cardboard and slowly nods. "Yes."

"Do you think if we got you back there, you could close it?" Joyce asked and everyone waited for an answer. "We both can," Kaity says, everyone looking at her.


"It's not like it was before, it's grown a lot," Hopper says, leaning against the counter. "And that's considering if we can get in there. That place is crawling with those dogs."

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