Chapter Twenty-Five: Freak Show

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Freak Show

"It can't be good for her to be in there that long." Mike voice comes out muffled behind the bathroom door Kaity was currently behind. She was trying to clean the wound above her eyebrow so it wouldn't get infected. "Mike, you need to relax." Max tells the boy and Kaity winches when she places alcohol on her wound. They were all currently at Hoppers cabin. They had stayed the night here since it was a good place for the team to lay low and figure out what they were gonna do next. Nancy and Kaity both were allowed by El to find something clean to wear out of her closet. Kaity decided to keep her jeans that she wore from the night before since El's wouldn't fit her and took a plain white T-shirt and wore it. It was currently sometime in the afternoon and everyone was awake at this point. Kaity didn't think anyone got much rest after what they all saw last night and knowing that it's still out there somewhere, roaming around Hawkins.

"What if she gets brain damage or something?" El was currently in her room sitting in front of her tv that played static. She had a black cloth tied over her eyes with photographs of all the people they know to be flayed and she was trying to locate them.

"Oh, shit. Is that, like, a real thing?" Kaity could hear Lucas ask. "No, it's not. He made it up. Mike doesn't know what the hell he's talking about."

"Oh, an you do?" Mike fires back, defense in his voice. Max and Mike continues to biker about Eleven and Kaity sighs as she eyes her busted lip. It was no longer swollen, it just had a small cut over her lip. The two pre teens going at it wasn't helping her headache any. Kaity quickly washes her hands before exiting the bathroom, her eyes falling on the back of Mike since he was stood kind of in-front of the bathroom door. She rolls her eyes and turns to walk into the kitchen where Nancy stood with the phone to her ear and a notepad and pen in her hand. Johnathan stood at a counter with a phone book sitting on top of it and Will sat in a stool at the same counter with a plate with some crumbs left on it.

"I called a couple days ago about the-" Nancy pauses as the other person speaks on the other line. "Yes, yes, um..." Kaity moves further into the kitchen to grab a glass. "I was just...following up to see if anything else had gone missing, or is—okay." Kaity fills the cup up with water and hoists herself onto the counter and takes a sip. "Um, sorry to bother-" Nancy pulls the phone away and looks at it before hanging it back onto the wall. Johnathan moves to scratch something out of the phone book as Nancy sighs and walks over to him. "Who's next?"

"There is no next. Unless you want to start calling random people's homes." Nancy tosses her notebook down on the counter, clearly frustrated. "It doesn't make sense."

"What part of any of this makes sense?" Johnathan asks and Kaity sipped her water, silently agreeing with him. Of what part in this situation made any sense? It didn't, but it was happening and they all had to figure out why it was happening and what they have to do it stop it from continuing. "There's a pattern, Okay? A consistency to their behavior. They've been feeding on these chemicals since this started,  and—and what, they just stop out of the blue?"

"Maybe they have all the chemicals they need." Will suggests. "Maybe they've all turned into those...things." He says, referring to the blobs of flesh that morph together to create a disgusting monster. Kaity's mind wanders back to Harriet and her heart hurts at the thought of the sweet old women. She was such a pure and kind soul and the Mind Flayer ruined her. He ruined Billy too. She shook her head at the thought. She couldn't think that way. She had to keep some kind of hope that Billy could be saved from all of this because it would ruin her if she didn't.

Freak Show // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now