Chapter Fourteen: Sweet Nothings

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Chapter Fourteen: Sweet Nothings


Kaity laid in bed, a book in her hands. Her eyes followed the words she read in her mind and her foot tapped on the bed to the beat of the music that was playing in her room. She was lost in the book, captured by the story that was unfolding in front of her. It was a romance. She never use to bother with such stories but now she hated to admit it, but she was a sucker for them. The story was about a girl that was kind of an outcast in the community and she meets a boy that is somewhat of an outcast himself. The two disagree with each other on a lot of things at first and they couldn't stand to be around each other but they were now starting to form a friendship. Kaity smiled when they began to fall in love hard and end up kissing. She turns the page to continue reading. A burst of thunder booming outside of her window makes her jump, looking to her window. It was now dark outside and a storm was rolling through. She must have been reading for a long time.

Kaity turns back to her book, finding her place again. She turns to the next page and begins to read the page, a chill runs up her arm and she freezes. Kaity lifts her head and almost jumps back when she sees a figure at the end of her bed. As she continued to look she noticed that it was her boyfriend Billy. She didn't feel at ease when she noticed it was him though, there was about him. "Billy? Are you okay?" She asked and he just stood there, staring at her with a lifeless look. He was wearing a white muscle shirt that was tucked into his jeans and his hair was slightly messy and he had a hash on his cheek. "Cali? You're scaring me..." Suddenly, Billy collapses on the floor and Kaity quickly tosses the book on her bed and rushes over to him, kneeling down beside him.

His body was convulsing and shaking there on her bedroom floor. "Billy!" Kaity screamed, placing her hands on his shoulders. After a few seconds of him shaking he stops, his head falling limp to the side. "Billy?" Kaity places her hand softly on the side of his face. "Billy, wake up!" She shouts, shaking his shoulders. In a blink of an eye, his hand clamps down tightly on her wrist and his eyes shift open. Kaity's eyes shoot down to look at the hand that's gripping her wrist. The place where his veins are under his skin begins to turn black and it trails all the way up his arms. Kaity follows the moving veins with her eyes until it leads her back to his gaze. His eyes were dark, no emotion. "Billy, you're hurting me..." Kaity's voice shakes. She moves her free hand towards his face but his other hand snatches her wrist, making her cry out in pain. A dark laugh erupted from her boyfriend and it sounds like it had an echo."He's mine now." Billy says, his voice was dark, deeper then usual. "What?" She asked, genuinely confused. "I'll take him...I am taking him."

"You'll lose everyone that you've ever loved." She was suddenly standing in the middle of darkness, the void she has known. Her chest heaved up and down heavily, she felt scared and helpless. "And I do mean everyone." He whispered in her ear from behind her. "Kaity!" She looked in front of her to see Eleven collapse on the floor. She ran over to her and fell to her knees. She wrapped her arms around the girl and held her in her arms. She looked older, her hair was longer. She narrowed her eyes in confusion as Eleven looked up at her, all life drained from her body. Kaity looks up and her eyes widen when she sees she's surrounded by bodies. They were all someone she knew, someone that had an important part in her life. A tear fell out of her eye when she notices the familiar curly hair that belonged to her younger brother. "You won't be able to save them this time," Bily says behind her. Kaity looked down at herself to see she was now standing, no Eleven insight. All the bodies were gone now too. "Once I kill you..." The voice echoed around her, and she turned trying to find him. '"They'll be next." She stops when she sees a body on the ground. Kaity slowly walks towards the body and kneels down beside them. She stared down at herself. She laid lifeless on the ground, blood running out of both nostrils.

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