Chapter Two: The Return Of Page Nelson

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Chapter Two: The Return Of Page Nelson

Hawkin's streets were flooded with red and orange leaves that dance into cold October air. The skies were a bright white due to the clouds blocking the sun, making it so bright at times it could hurt your eyes. Kaity placed her hand in her jacket pocket, a shiver running over her body. Some people would call her crazy for not staying in the safety of her car with the heater on full blast but the teen actually loved the cooler weather. She always felt so calm and relaxed with the cold wind and occasional rain storm you'd get in October. This time of year filled Kaity with a lot of joy. She loved Halloween, scary movies, pumpkin pie and the cold weather that was just bearable. Even though she has seen real monsters and has been in real life-threatening situations, she still loved horror movies. Maybe because she knew they were fake and she like the fact that it wasn't her life or maybe it made things in her life feel just a little bit simpler, she wasn't sure what it was exactly. Leaves catch Kaity's eyes as they sweep past her feet and move forward, her eyes following them. She sees the blue Camero pull into the parking space, the loud music from inside the car just now reaching her ears. Steve and Nancy climb out of Steve's car and they head over to Kaity, all watching as the bad boy, Billy Hargrove steps out of the car, a cigarette in his mouth. His red-headed sister makes her way over to the middle school. The young girl didn't really want to stick around long it seemed.

Kaitlyn's eyes move back over, her eyes connecting with the new neighborhood bad boy that had a hold on almost every girl here a Hawkins High School. "Come on, guys." Kaity ushers Steve and Nancy, walking towards the school. She was dressed in a pair of black jeans that were tucked into her combat boots and she wore a deep red sweater with her trusty black leather jacket over top of it. Her lips were stained with dark red lipstick and her eyes were left pretty simple with winged eyeliner and mascara. Kaity looked at Billy as she pasted him, almost like time was moving in slow motion. He blew out some smoke, licking his lips as he looked her up and down as she passed. Kaity turned her head up like he was nothing to her and continued walking with Steve and Nancy. She knew the new guy was interested in her in a way, or more so curious and she liked to make his keep guessing. She wasn't like every other girl in this school. Most of these girls would practically throw themselves down at the California boy's feet but Kaitlyn, on the other hand, hasn't been impressed with anything by him yet. Sure, she would admit he's quite attractive but she would never say that to his face nor did she feel the need or want to drool over him. Not much impressed Kaity, so guys always had a hard time getting her eyes to catch them so even the new pretty boy was going to have to work for her attention if he wanted it bad enough.

Once the trio enters the school Kaity and Steve say their goodbyes to Nancy who separates from them at her hallway where her first class is located and it leaves the dynamic duo together at last. "So, Harrington. Did you study for the history test that you have tomorrow." Kaity asks as she walks side by side with her childhood best friend. Steve lets out a huff of air and runs a hand through his voluminous hair. "Yeah, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail anyway." Kaity reaches over, punching her best friend in the arm, making him grab it. "Ow!" He said looking at her with wide eyes, now rubbing the sore spot on his arm that she created. "What have I told you about being so negative and down on yourself!" Kaity and Steve stopped at her locker and she puts in the combination, the click of the lock meeting her ears and she opens her locker, fishing for the book she needed for her first period. "I know," Steve sighs, leaning next to her locker. "I'm sorry okay? I'm just having a really hard time right now." Kaity looked at Steve sadly. Steve has never been the best student with the best grades, that was always her thing. Steve used to only be the pretty boy and king of the school and now he's realizing those things aren't going to get him anywhere after they graduate and get thrown into the adult world.

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