Chapter Nineteen: Eye Candy

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Chapter Nineteen: Eye Candy

The sun shone through the white curtains and reflected off of the light-colored wood table that Kaity sat at. The smell of something sweet dances through the air, gliding under her nose. Her stomach growls just at the smell and her mouth waters. "Okay honey," A sweet voice says from behind her. Kaity watches as a brunette women sets down a plate of blueberry pancakes in front of her. "Oh," The women rushes back into the kitchen behind Kaity then emerges with a glass of milk that she sets beside the plate of pancakes. "Can't forget that," She smiles, her smile was contagious. Kaity smiles as well and picks up her fork, digging into the plate of pancakes. The women takes a seat beside Kaity at the table, watching her. "This is very good, thank you." Margret Devins smiles happily and claps her hands together. "I'm so happy you like them, I hear they were your favorite." Kaity nodded with her mouth full of pancakes and the women laughs.

"I'm so happy your here," Margret tells her, blue eyes that matched Kaity's looking into her. Kaity smiles and turned her hand so she could hold the women's. "I am too." She squeezed Margret's hand gently. "I never thought I would get to see you, or meet you and now here you are-" Margret motions to Kaity. "-sitting at my kitchen table eating blueberry pancakes." She finishes with a smile, watching her daughter who pushes a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I'm happy to be here with you and not to mention that these pancakes are absolutely amazing." Kaity scoops another bite into her mouth making the older women laugh yet again. A knock at the front door in front of them interrupts the peaceful conversation and it captures both women's attention. "Are you expecting anybody?" Margret shakes her head and stands, making her way towards the front door.

Margret opens the front door of her home and when it's fully open Kaity watches in horror as the women's head rocks back violently, blood and bits of her head spreading across the floor and table, some even landing on Kaity's blueberry pancakes that were now forgotten. Everything moves in slow motion for Kaity as her birth mother's lifeless body falls to the ground with a thud and it reveals Dr.Brenner standing at the door with a smoking gun in his hand. Kaity looks on in horror, wide blue eyes watching him. She couldn't move, she couldn't scream, all she could do was watch as Dr.Breener's eyes moved from the dead women's body to her. He smiles at her, making her stomach twist painfully. "Hello, daughter."

"Kaitlyn!" Kaity's eyes shoot open and she quickly sits up, her chest heaving up and down heavily. "Baby it just me!" Kaity's eyes drift to the women that sat on the edge of her bed, hands rested on her shaking shoulders. "Are you alright?" Kaity's mom asks and Kaity swallows the lump in her throat. "Yeah," She lets out a breath. She could feel the cold sweat running down her forehead. "I'm okay." She nods, trying to convince not only Mrs.Henderson but herself as well. "Just a bad dream." Kaity's mom looks at her for a moment, trying to get a read off of her daughter. "Okay honey," Mrs.Henderson places a hand on the side of Kaity's cheek and Kaity leans into the gental touch. "I'm heading out to pick up, Dusty." A smile washes over Kaity's face. Dustin was finally gonna be back from camp. "I'll be back in a little while." She smiles, pulling her daughter into a quick hug before standing and walking to Kaity's door. "Oh," She stops in the doorframe, truing back to look at Kaity. "If you get hungry, there's some blueberry pancakes in the kitchen on the counter." Kaity's mouth runs dry. "You're favorite." She winks before walking out of Kaity's bedroom and down the hall.

Kaity sighs, resting a hand on her belly as she leans against her bed frame. Her mind wanders off as she runs her fingers over the thin material of her shirt. Ever since she's read the file on herself and found out about who her birth parents were, she had dreams of them. They would sometimes take place on that day when she was saved but this one was so different and it felt oh so very real to her. She felt so at peace and content with her birth mother, happy to actually get to know the women that gave her life the Dr.Brenner had to show up and ruin everything. Margret Devins was like Kaity's beacon of light. She could lead her through the darkness and light up the right paths for Kaity and give her hope but Dr.Brenner was her darkness. He was pitch black, suffocating and evil. He could pin Kaity under the surface, drowning her in her own fears and sorrows. The two always clashed and in her dreams, the darkness always consumed the light and that scared her.

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