Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Battle Of Starcourt

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Battle Of Starcourt

Nancy quickly runs to the side of the car, banging her hands against the glass causing the kids inside to jump slightly at the sudden noise, jerking their attention away from Billy. "Back in the mall!" She shouts as she quickly opens the backdoor, ushering Lucas and Will out. Johnathan ran around to the back, helping Mike and Max get El. "Back in the mall, go!" Nancy yells and Kaity stands still, her eyes trained on the headlights across the parking lot. It was him. She couldn't bring herself to move. She hasn't seen him since the void and her heart longed for him. She knew it wasn't her Billy, but she thought that maybe, maybe if she could talk to him she could pull her Billy back to the surface like she did in the void.

"Kaity!" Nancy shouts again, now moving to the girls side and grabbing her arm. She's been calling her name this whole time and it went unnoticed by the girl. Kaity's tear filled eyes snap to Nancy for a moment then back to Billy's blue Camero. "We have to go, Kaity." Nancy urged, tugging on the girls arm but she kept her feet firmly planted on the ground. "Kaity, please!" Nancy begs her but she can see it doesn't pull her attention away. "Kaity!" Nancy shouts and Kaity quickly looks at her. "It's not Billy in there." Nancy says more softly, noticing the unshed tears swimming in her blue eyes. "We have to go. We have to protect the kids." Kaity glances back at Billy. Nancy tugged on Kaity's arm again and this time she allowed Nancy to pull her back towards the entrance of the mall. Kaity looked over her shoulder at the headlights one last time before she was pulled though the main doors of the mall.

The eight of them quickly run back to the food court, all stopping once they felt like they were safe. "What the hell are we going to do!" Lucas asks, slightly freaking out. They were panting due to their run and Kaity takes a moment to breath as she stares at her feet. "We need to come up with a plan." Nancy says, placing her hands on her hips. "We need to contact the others," Kaity breaths out, this was the first time she's said anything since Billy showed up. "Mike," Kaity turned towards the boy, deciding to take charge of the situation. "You radio the Scoops Troop and let them know we need help. They could probably come back for us." Mike nods quickly before running off with his radio. "The rest of you," Kaity turns so she can look at everyone. "We have to prepare ourself in case we have to fight, so relax, warm up, fine a weapon, I don't care. Just be ready to fight if it comes down to that." Everyone nods and spreads out across the food court.

"Scoops Troop, do you copy?" Kaity could hear Mike from where she stood. He was pacing back and forth with the radio held to his mouth as he spoke. "Scoops Troop, I repeat, do you copy? We're trapped in the mall and in need of emergency transportation." Kaity's eyes fall on Lucas who stood not too far away from her. He was stretching out his wrist rocket, aiming at something for practice. "Scoops Troop, do you copy? Billy has found us." Kaity's eyes move back to Mike when he mentioned Billy. "He has disabled our car and we are trapped in the mall, repeat-" Kaity glances at Max and Will who come to stand on either side of her. Her eyes move down to Nancy who kneels beside one of the dead Russians and snags the gun off of his waist and checks it for ammo.

"You're gonna kill him, aren't you?" Max asks from beside Kaity, her voice somber. "This is just a precaution, okay?" Nancy says softly, looking from the red head to the brunette beside her. "And not just against Bill. If he knows we're here, so does the Mind Flayer." Will says, trying to make the two girls feel better but Kaity knew that if Billy came after them, Nancy would have no other choice. Kaity sighs, turning her back to them and walking away. Her mind was heavy with thoughts and she decided she needs to escape for a moment. Once she finds the nearest bathroom, she goes inside and leans against the door for a moment before moving towards one of the sinks. Kaity turns it on, running her hands under the cool water before leaning her head down and splashing some of it onto her face. Once the water was off she grabes a paper towel and dabs the water off of her skin and she meets her gaze in her reflection.

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