Chapter Seventeen: The Big News

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Chapter Seventeen: The Big News

Floresent lights reflected off of the white tiled floors and the walls were a pale cream color. Kaity sat nervously, her knee bouncing up and down repeatedly. She sat in the waiting room of her doctors' office, waiting for them to call her name. She hasn't been here very long, she had just left work to get here and she was waiting on Billy. He had work today as well so it would take him a while to show up. There were other people around her, all women that were pregnant or that have already had their child. Kaity was grateful for Hopper dropping her off here because she was way too nervous to drive. A few chairs away from Kaity a blond hair women sat with a small baby in her arms. The women's brown eyes moved over, noticing Kaity's nerves. "What are you in for honey?" The women asks, a sweet southern draw in her voice. Kaity turns her head to look at the women then her eyes fall on the little baby. "I'm finding out the sex today." The woman nods and smiles in understanding. "You got the jitters. I remember the day I found out that I was having a girl. I was so excited you would not believe it." She laughed and Kaity did too, the women's kindness calming her nerves. "What's her name?" Kaity asks, nodding to the little bundler in the women's arms. "Riley." Kaity smiled, her eyes on the baby. "That's a beautiful name." He hand moves to her stomach, rubbing her thumb over it. "Would you like to hold her?" The women asks and Kaity looks at her with wide eye. "Really?" Kaity ask and the women nods with a smile as she stands, walking over to her.

"Oh sure, dear." The women leans down and Kaity positions her arms and the women set the baby gently in her arms. Kaity looks at the small baby, her face was so cute. She could see a resemblance between her and the women who now sat in the chair to Kaity's right. "How old are ya, honey?" The women asks as she watched Kaity with her child. "Just turned nineteen yesterday." The woman smiled. "Well happy birthday to you." Kaity thanked her as she watched the baby sleep. "I was your age when I had my first too." Kaity looked at the women. "I know how scary it is, but you'll be fine." The woman rested her hand on Kaity's arms and Kaity couldn't help but smile. This woman was like an angel walking on Earth. She made Kaity feel so at peace with everything and all her nerves have disappeared. "Thank you." The woman waved her off. "It's no problem at all, doll. Don't you worry your pretty head about it, okay? You're going to be just fine." Kaity notices a man emerge from the bathroom with a little boy that had to be maybe seven or eight. "Mommy!" He called as he ran over to the women and hugged her.

Kaity didn't notice but Billy has walked in and his eyes fell on her. He watched her as she held the small baby in her arms. In his mind, he thought about the day they would be in a hospital room. Kaity would be in the bed with sweat on her brow and tears on her cheeks. Billy would be stood by her side as they both look down at the miracle they made together. "Kaity Henderson." A nurse called out, grabbing Kaity's and Billy's attention. Kaity handed the women back her baby and stood up. Billy came to her side and grabbed her hand and she felt relieved to see him there. As they began to follow the nurse, Kaity looked back at the small family. They all sat in chairs together, the little boy in his father's lap and the women held their daughter. The women look up and meet Kaity's gaze, giving her an encouraging smile. As Kaity looked at them, she could see her's and Billy's future and it made her heart swell at the thought.

The nurse got the young couple settled into a room and ran some small tests, just checking on Kaity and the baby. After a couple of minutes, the doctor comes in and shakes Kaity's and Billy's hands, taking a seat on a stool beside Kaity's bed. "Well, mom, dad. How are you guys feeling?" He asks and Kaity and Billy glance at each other. "We're doing great," Kaity tells him with a small smile and he nods with a smile. "That's great. So I wanted to take a look at the little one just to see how they are doing. Momma, if I could get you to lift up the end of your shirt a little bit that would be great." He said as he turned in his stool, moving to grab a bottle. Kaity rolls up the end of her shirt, exposing her pregnant belly. "Okay, this gel and machine are going to be a little cold." He warns before he skirts some of the gel onto her stomach. It sent a chill down Kaity's spine and goosebumps raised on her arms. "That's definitely cold." She shutters out a laugh. "I told you so," The doctor chuckled as he placed the machine on her stomach. "Alright, let's take a look at the kiddo." He says and Kaity and Billy both turn their attention towards the screen, Kaity's hand in his. "Well, the baby is looking as healthy as can be." The doctor nods in approval. "Would you guys like to know the gender of the baby today." Both Kaity and Billy nod eagerly and the doctor smiles, turning his attention back on the screen. Kaity watches the doctor's face and a smile forms on his lip. "Well, congratulations mom and dad. It's a baby boy." Kaity smile and gasped, tears forming in her eyes.

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