Chapter Twenty-Seven: Calm Before The Storm

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Calm Before The Storm

El's blood curdling scream echos through the empty mall and Kaity looks down at her leg with worry. Something was definitely moving underneath her skin and it was causing her a tremendous amount of pain. "What is that?" Erica asks in disgust as she looks at Elevens leg. "There's something in there." Mike says with wide eyes as he hold El's arms. "Jesus Christ." Dustin mumbles as he looks down at his friend that was sobbing. "We have to get it out." Kaity says urgently and when she looks up she meets Johnathan's gaze. "Keep her talking. Keep her awake, okay?" Johnathan says as he quickly stands up, running away from them. El screams again and tears well up in Kaity's eyes. "Hey, hey, hey. Stay awake, stay awake." Mike says quickly. "Let's get her on this side, on this side." Kaity says and Dustin and Steve help Mike move El. "You know, it's not actually that bad. There was a...the goalie on my soccer team, Beth Wildfire, this other girl slidesintoherleg, and the bone came outofherkneesixinchesorsomthingitwasinsane."
Robin rambles on quickly, obviously cracking under pressure. "Robin," Steve says making the wide eyed girl look over at him. "Yeah?"

"Your not helping." He tells her. "I'm sorry." She quickly says and Page rubs her back softly. Johnathan runs back over to them and Kaity notices the large knife in his hand and the tip of it faintly blue. He heated the end of it up. "Okay. All right, El. This is gonna hurt like hell, okay?" He asks the girl softly as he looks at her. "Okay." She sobs out, she was in so much pain right now she just wanted it to end. "I need you to stay real still." Johnathan tells her as he slips on a pair of clear gloves. "Here, you're gonna want to bite down on this, okay?" He asks, holding out a wooden spoon. Kaity quickly takes it from his hand and holds it in front of El's mouth and she bites down on it. Johnathan grabs the knife again and brings it close to her leg. "Holy shit. Holy shit." Dustin begins to freak out. Johnathan looks around at everyone.

"Do it." Mike tells him and Johnathan looks back down at her leg that looked just horrible. It was swollen and purple with black veins around it. "Okay," He says softly, bringing the knife to her leg. As Johnathan drags the hot knife across her skin, El screams out in bloody murder and tears spring to Kaity's eyes as she watches in horror. "Okay," Johnathan sets the knife down then sticks two fingers into the wound and she screams around the wooden spoon and everyone gasps. Pages eyes widen and Robin turns her back to the scene and buried her head into Page's neck and Page held Robin to her. "Oh god..." Kaity mumbles, tears falling from her eyes and she leans into Steve who quickly wraps his arms around her. "Johnathan!" Nancy yells. "Stop talking!" He yells back, trying to focuse. "Goddamn it!" El spits out the wooden spoon. "No! Stop it!" She screams and Max places her hand on Johnathans shoulder, causing him to stop.

El's hand quickly finds Kaity's hand who pulls away from Steve. "You..." She breaths heavily. "You do it." Kaity eyes widen. "Me?" She asks, not wanting to be the one to cause the girl anymore pain. "Please," El sobbes. "You have to do it." Kaity looked at the girl with glossy eyes then nods. "Okay," She says softly, squeezing El's hand. "I'll do it." She scoots over and Nancy and Johnathan quickly move out of her way and she positions herself in front of Eleven's leg. "Okay," Kaity mumbles, staring at the wound. Johnny's and Robin's eyes widen as they watch Kaity's eyes turn red. Kaity lifts her hand up that was glowing red and then El begins to scream again. Kaity forces the screams out of her mind and just focuses on the thing moving inside her leg. Slowly, they can all see the lump in her leg moving towards the surface. As El's screams intensifies and Kaity finds herself having to use more of her powers to get the thing out of her leg because it was fighting against her. The glass window of the store beside them shatters into pieces causing Max to cover her face with her arms. Soon a slug like creature is hovering in the air and Kaity quickly tosses it behind her and everyone turns to look at it and Eleven sits up quickly.

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