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      Three ANBU stood in Lady Tsunade's office holding scrolls containing sealing jutsu formulas. In theory these scrolls would help them them win the upcoming battle against the remaining members of the Akatsuki.

      "Lady Hokage, with your permission, we can open the tomb and get the heads up on our foe," said the ANBU with the customary eagle mask.

      "Whatever it takes, with Itachi dead and Sasuke gone rogue, we need all the help we can get," Tsunade opened the first scroll and read. It was a complicated form of hand signs that accompanied the forbidden sealing technique. As Tsunade looked closer she realised that it had been stolen from the Hidden Edi before the fall of the Uzumaki. "How did you come across these?"

      The second ANBU with a wolf mask stepped forward and retrieved the scroll, "Deep within the forest between the boarders of the Land of Fire and Wind, there was an alcove carved into the stone and found these in a wooden box. It was left in plain sight but could only be seen if you knew what to look for."  

      "Strange," Tsunade glanced at the second scroll, depicting the reversed sealing technique. "The Uchiha patron isn't a dragon."

      "Not much is known about the clan since those only gifted with the Sharingan can read the stone tablet," murmured the final ANBU. He passed the final scroll to Tsunade, which was blank.  "I think the third scroll is a decoy, but perhaps those with the Kekki Genkai can read it." 

      Tsunade templed her fingers, "Stay on your toes and when you undo that seal, be prepared for what's to come."

* * *

      The three chosen ANBU stood at the rock tomb, sealed with a paper marker. The tag absorbed every jutsu they tried along with the squad they originally went with. Consequently, the rock was able to absorb chakra and only the three ANBU remained.

      "Ready?" the eagle masked ANBU visibly shook. 

      Despite his fear, the ANBU threw the scrolls onto the ground, they unfurled easily and thus began the ordeal to replicate the Edi hand signs to break the seal.

      Once the seal was undone, the paper tag burst into flames as did the scrolls by the ANBU's feet. Before their eyes, the rock itself started to crumble to reveal a stone enclave. It was bare apart from the ceramic jar in the centre, yet again in-toe with a seal.

      "Should we report this to Lady Hokage?" the wolf-masked ANBU slowly drew a kunai from the holster lashed to his thigh.

      "No, we push on ahead. Whatever it takes," replied to eagle-masked ANBU.

      The three walked towards the jar, there were no other barriers or traps set in place. The person who sealed whatever was inside didn't intend for the box to be discovered. The last ANBU handed the leader the blank parchment. They approached the jar with caution and set the scroll down.

      Nothing happened for a moment until ink appeared began to carve calligraphy into the paper. The characters glowed crimson, a resemblance to the colour that would emit from an iridescent Sharingan.  The final symbol in the centre was a distinct Sharingan pattern, one that had never been seen before―and wouldn't be seen again. 

      The scroll erupted in a furl of heat-less flames to trigger the terracotta to shatter. What was left was a woman, bound and gagged. As she looked up, her Sharingan activated. She was dressed in a black kimono top with twin embossed dragons curled up the side seam, black pants and black sandals. Considerably the most distinguishable feature were the ceremonial jade beads against her hip with a strange mask and twin katana blades of opposing metals.

      The lead ANBU approached wearily to unravel the cloth between her teeth.

      When she spoke, her question left the three speechless, "Where is Madara Uchiha?"  

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