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P R E M A T U R E   W A R   [PART 1]


      I sat in front of the Gedo Statue and marvelled at its splendour. The Gedo's statue consumed me, dwarfing my height. 

      The statue was seated on a pink lotus blossom, its wrists and ankles cuffed together with metal chains. A scroll acted as a gag in its mouth. From the passages of texts I'd come across, it will be released when the holder of the Rinnegan looks upon it. The scroll itself contains the summoning contract of the Juubi needed to evoke the Infinite Tsukuyomi.   

      My chest ached, there was a chakra imbalance. Kumisada was summoned. Wincing, I closed my eyes and used the customary combat sign to tap into Kumisada's mind. I hadn't perfected the technique as Hikari liked to mock when we were younger, but I had never relied on my summons to her extent. I also hadn't synced my Sharingan, feeling as if my dragons wouldn't utilise the Uchiha prowess to its full.

      My mind hit a wall and the connection immediately severed. I cracked an eyelid and allowed my Eternal Mangekyou to activate effortlessly. If I couldn't breach the mental boundary I would have to go to the source. I slid off my right glove and bit down hard enough to draw blood.

      Hikari's sacred summon was Yamata no Orochi, the dragon that gave chakra natures to man, whereas mine was Ryokan―its counterpart. Ryokan embodied all comprehensible emotion. Ryokan and Yamata no Orochi were brothers, that both derived from the same Ryu Stone. 

      Ryokan burst from the summoning pattern in a cloud of smoke. It's black scales shimmered in the light of the chambe. Its blank eyes narrowed. 

      "Madara," flames churned in the back of Ryokan's throat in distaste. "What is the purpose of your summon?"

      "Where is Kumisada?" I probed.

        "I am not at liberty to say," Ryokan growled. "If you have a task in need to be carried out, I suggest you request another dragon. Kumisada has no withstanding obligation to serve."

        "What of Yamata no Orochi?" Ryokan just blew dark smoke in my face at the mention of his brother.

       "My brother is indeed present at the Valley," Ryokan answered. In another puff of smoke, Yamata no Orochi reeled into view with all of its eight jaws snapping at me. "Forward your queries to him, you have no further use of me." 

      And with that, Ryokan left in a furl of white.

    Katsu's forked tongue snaked out, "Madara Uchiha. . .why have I been summoned?"

      "I thought you liked me," I smirked.

      " I only tolerate," Ratsu spoke up with a hiss. "What is my purpose?"

      "I think something has happened to Hikari," I looked up at the Gedo Statue.

      "Madara Uchiha being actually concerned for someone other than himself?" Dotsu laughed, "That's practically unheard of. Concerning your query however, nothing could've happened to Hikari or else we would've felt it. Your body must be acting up."

      "I know what I felt," I murmured. "Go."

      The echo of footsteps caused me to dismiss Yamata in haste. 

     My Eternal Mangekyou widened slightly when Obito staggered up the steps to the alcove. He tore off his broken mask and grinned, his left eye now held the Rinnegan.

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