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S I S T E R S     O F      H A T E

         But Uzu said she killed her sister, Naruto looked at me with wide eyes. 

         Uzu showed me her memories of obtaining the Eternal Mangekyou, Kuma's Tsuchigan narrowed. How's this possible and why does she look like that?

       Matsumi had the appearance of a living entity with no signs of reanimation. This confused me as I remembered I'd used Amaterasu. Had she undergone a similar rebirth to Madara? 

        Though, her appearance differed greatly from memory. Her tan skin had transformed into that of snow while two horns protruded from her maroon curls. The waves of her hair swept around her white robe that was adorned with unfamiliar markings. Her eyes had been replaced by white orbs, much like the Byakugan but without the lavender hue. It was almost as if she'd been recreated into someone's image, but who's?

        "Are you just going to stand there in silence and hide behind your stolen gifts?" Matsumi taunted. "Here's a little incentive for you to speak." 

        Matsumi cast her hand out towards the White Zetsu clones that scattered the field. They turned their attention from the Nin towards our portion of the field. Their forms morphed into memories. 

      Naori and Naka drew their swords, their eyes were the same as Matsumi's―blank.  

      Her purple hair blew in the wind as her blank eyes captured me, I could almost remember her Mangekyou pattern. The clones didn't speak, they stood and waited. 

      I dissolved my Susanoo. On the ground, I withdrew both katana angling them horizontally to be equally offensive and defensive. Naori swung at my gut whilst Naka shot behind me to stab between my shoulders. I threw Izuna's katana into the air and blocked Naori's with Madara's. My Eternal Mangekyou focussed on my peripheral and I shot into the air once I'd pushed Naori aside. I kicked the hilt of the blade and it boomeranged towards Naka, severing his head.  

      Your objective was chakra conservation. Your clone can only do so much, Shinigami's voice echoed. This is a test. 

        I deactivated my Sharingan and exhaled a long breath. Circling Naori, I closed my eyes. I heard rushed movement from my left and I decided to block again by bending my left arm. The angular edge of my katana seemed to have broken the edge of their sword. Naori grunted and swung again, I stepped back and twirled my blade, causing hers to be deflected entirely. I then heard a scrape of sandals against dirt. 

      The sludge that stopped my arm earlier was White Zetsu. Naka's head reattached and he attacked. 

      With both of them moving at once, I had to switch up my defence. I caught Naori's fist with my right hand but was overbalanced by Naka's weight. I fell against Naori and kicked Naka over us. 

       I opened my eyes and kicked both of them back, landing on my toes. I rearmed myself with Izuna's fallen katana again. 

     This carried on for ten more minutes, constant deflection and blocking between all three of us. However, I was thrown off when they decided to speak. Their voices were exactly as I remembered and had no resemblance to the clones in which they were formed from. 

         "Why don't you use Amaterasu?" Naori tilted her head to the side and pulled her glove tighter with her teeth. "Scared are you?" 

       "Too weak!" Naka pointed his sword at me again. "She's too much of an Uzumaki at heart." 

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