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I T S U - H I K A - H I D E   

     The light emanating from their jutsu was blinding. I shielded my eyes, and even at the end of the valley the residual power caused me to skid back a few meters. With the rain, the heat from the explosion caused trees to bend and the surrounding shrubbery to wilt. 

        When the mushroom cloud blackened, I began to slowly walk back, building more chakra.  

        I sat in the gutter of the Hokage Tower, my back was against the terracotta tiles as I waited for Itsuki and Hideyoshi. Rather than adopting the new uniform, I remained in my traditional robe with Konohagakure's symbol on my sleeve. 

      "Hika-Chan, I wish you'd get down from there," Hashirama poked his head out of the window. "It wouldn't send a good message to your students if you slip and become a pancake on the street." 

      I rolled my eyes and watched the boys. 

     Hideyoshi ran down the main street in a maroon shirt and black pants, the opposite of Itsuki who walked along casually in blue. Both of them wore plain headbands in place of the proper village hitai-ate. 

        "I can see Hikari–Sensei; I bet I can beat you to the roof!" Hideyoshi laughed.

      "We'll see about that, cha!" Itsuki pushed Hideyoshi's shoulder. His cousin staggered whilst Itsuki leaped into the air. Gracefully, he landed next to me on the tiles. Hideyoshi regained his composure and attempted to jump as well. However, he smacked into the drain pipe and slowly began to slide back down to the bottom. 

          "AH!" Hideyoshi made an unflattering facial expression as he flailed on the pipe.

      "Should I rescue him?" I smirked at Itsuki.

      "Do you have to?" Itsuki pouted. "The idiot is just going to slow us down." 

       "Hika–Chan," Hashirama poked his head out of the window again. "If you don't get Hideyoshi then consider yourself out of a job."

      I rolled my eyes and somersaulted over the gutter, hanging onto the metal with my left arm as I grabbed Hideyoshi by the waistband of his pants with my right. I swung the boy over my shoulder so he skidded to a stop at Hashirama's window. I pushed off towards the pipe and used it as a foot-hold to get back onto the roof.

      "You wouldn't have the balls!" I brushed myself off and snorted at Hashirama. "Besides, who would be there to kick you out of your emotional breakdowns? Someone has to do it since Madara isn't around anymore."

      There was some form of comfort when I joked about Madara. It had taken a while, especially since my outburst during the first time I saw my students. In the period between then, Itsuki and Hideyoshi gained an understanding about my relationship with Madara but knew never to dig too deep. 

       Hashirama sighed, "I just worry a lot. Your mission to Yukigakure will take four days, a week at most. After you give them the scroll regarding my proposal of an alliance, I want you to send Tatsu back with the reply and that you're all safe. I'll have Tobirama rendezvous with you in Getsugakure." 

       "Of course, Lord Hokage," I inclined my head in respect. "I think we can make it there in three if Hideyoshi doesn't complain about his aching legs."

        "I do not complain!" Hideyoshi pointed accusingly at me.

        "Well either way, I want you all to be careful. Yukigakure is the village Hidden in Snow, and the ninja there are prominent in the ice Kekki Genkaithey're strong in hallucinogenic techniques so be on your guard," Hashirama warned. "Getsugakure is in the Moon Country but we have Konohagakure ANBU posted there just in case there's trouble. I wish you all the best of luck."

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