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D E M O N   O F   M E M O R I E S

      I placed the Hannya mask in front of me and sat in front of the Uchiha tablets; they remained exactly where Madara had left them. I waited for Kuma to fall asleep before leaving in an attempts to dig up the past . 

      "You've seen more than what I could ever imagine. . .Shinigami," I whispered to the mask, lifting it up. "If you want me dead, then maybe you can have the pleasure of taking my soul after I know why Madara did what he did."

      I placed the mask on my face while my Sharingan were activated; I made the necessary hand signs to awaken Shinigami. For it to appear, usually, you'd have to sacrifice yourself for him to take your soul―however, my loyalty as his vessel was payment enough. 

      Just like in my nightmare, the ghostly cloak entrapped me before it tore away from my body and became an independent entity. Shinigami removed the knife and cackled; it rumbled inside my skull.

      "To what do I owe the pleasure of your summoning?" Shinigami waved the knife around, "Oh let me guess, you want me to tell you all about your beloved Madara–Kun."

      I was silent as I knelt in front of Shinigami. It just laughed again.

      "I'm not going to be much of assistance," Shinigami's deep voice hissed in my mind, "I'm simply the Reaper Demon. Tell me; are you a step closer into handing your soul over to me?"

      "Focus Shinigami, I want to know why Madara felt the need to seal me away from the Great Ninja War," my eyes narrowed.

      "Maybe he had enough of your pestering for Izuna–Kun; Izuna's heart was always in the possession of your sister. I suppose it was the Uzumaki charm that she had and you didn't, you're more cynical and methodical like the Uchiha side of you," Shinigami drawled on.

      The Uchiha had been split into a main and submissive house based on the ability to awaken Sharingan. This lead to Uchiha marrying outside of the clan in hopes to salvage whatever they could of their lives before they were killed off. Jusaki, my father, secretly married an Uzumaki shield maiden in the belief that her purity would alter his cards. To this day, Jusaki had not awakened his Sharingan. Instead, he tried to awaken ours. 

      I stumbled into the bamboo forest and ran until I reached a rock in the centre where it was illuminated by a circle of moonlight. Blood smears and neglected kunai embedded the surface, I looked to my left and saw an Uchiha thrusting with a sharp sword.

      I pulled a kunai from the stone and made my way through the bamboo towards the house. It was grand and majestic, surely owned by one of the main branch families'. If I was caught trespassing, I'd be killed. The boy had hair tied into a pony tail, he noticed me immediately without turning around.  

      I was thrown across the dirt towards the wooden decking of the house, I cried out in pain as I tumbled over myself in my dirty kimono. The boy had Sharingan as he pointed the tip of the blade at my throat, I was crying but once he saw mine, he backed away. 

      "Don't," said a voice from the roof. Another boy slid from the tiles to land next to him. His hair was wild and spikey. "What. . .?"

      Women weren't known to inherit the genetics to awaken the Sharingan; I already knew thathence why Jusaki decided to train me up until I surpassed most second-branch men. I flinched back when the spikey haired boy extended his hand to me.

      I crawled on my knees and graciously bowed my head against my hands at his feet out of respect (and a small portion of fear).

      The spikey haired boy just laughed, the one with the ponytail elbowed him in the gut and sheathed his sword. "What's your name, kid?"

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