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I N F I N I T E    T S U K U Y O M I

      My back arched as I yawned. I enjoyed my sleep-ins, especially since the Senju and Uchiha feud was nothing but a memory. I would've closed my eyes and continued to dream about nothing if two kids hadn't jumped onto the balcony.

      "Aunt Hikari!" the youngest, Itatsu, waved at me.

       "You woke her up Itatsu!" pouted the eldest, Suwaru.

       Itatsu resembled Matsumi with straight Uzumaki red hair and pale skin and black eyes. He was shorter than Suwaru but that was expected from their age gap. Suwaru had curly black hair with darker skin but held the same onyx eyes. However, both children could share the same annoying traits as their parents.

      Izuna had sweat on his brow as he smiled apologetically at me and grabbed both boys by the collars. He lifted them off the ground and gave them a firm shake over the balcony, taunting them. Izuna had taken a tentative approach to parenting. Nervousness reflected his movements. After the taunt, he pulled both boys aside and pulled them to his chest. 

      As I sat up and yawned, Matsumi burst through my bedroom door with Madara behind her. Neither of them were fazed by my lack of clothing, though Matsumi chose to cover her eyes and laugh jokingly as my breasts were in view. 

     Matsumi moved her hands from her eyes and checked her watch, ogling at the time, "What are you doing in bed so late?!" 

      Her curls seemed to stick up as she shouted at me. I rolled over and wrapped myself in the sheet in defiance. 

      "You're setting a bad example to the boys if you're this lazy!" she screeched. 

     I was unsure as to why it required the entire extended family to get me out of bed, especially on a Sunday. A maniacal laugh almost escaped my lips when I caught a glimpse of Hashirama out of my peripheral; standing on a wooden pillar. 

        "Hika–Chan!" Hashirama waved and then saw my family surrounding me, he burst out laughing. "Oh, Hika–Chan, are you awake?"

      From under the covers I yelled, "LET ME SLEEP IN FOR ONCE!"

       "Okay you two, wait with Uncle Hashirama down on the street while I get Auntie ready," Matsumi tutted her children and sent them downstairs along with Izuna. "Itatsu, don't make me get Aunt Hikari to summon Yamata no Orochi to haunt your sleep again."

       I curled up around the sheets and stuffed my face into a pillow. After taking command of the entire Uchiha, it felt like I hadn't had a decent night sleep since the womb. So, when the covers were thrown off me, exposing my near-nakedness, I groaned.

      There was more shuffling before the noise quietened down, leading me to believe that both families had left apart from Matsumi and Madara. Matsumi muttered about me being a bad influence on her children as she walked into the bathroom to prepare a bath. 

     As she did so, Madara took the opportunity to tease. He leaned forward on the bed and placed a tender kiss on my shoulder, while his hand snaked lower towards my thighs. The familiar warmth made me shiver with delight. I rolled over and pulled him on top of me. 

      "If you keep doing that then I don't think I'll ever get out of bed," I sighed in content, while Madara's mouth travelled to my breast. 

       "Then don't tempt me to crawl in there with you," he whispered against my skin, licking back up towards my collarbone. 

      "Now I know where the bad influence comes from," Matsumi entered, again with her hand over her eyes. "Would you get up Hikari? If you haven't forgotten, it's your coronation as the Hokage's Chief Advisor."

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