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I N S I G H T   T O   M A D A R A

        Kuma took a step back and stared in adoration. The story didn't seem to phase him in the slightest, he considered it amusing, "You were right before, you are a bitter wife." 

      His comment was short lived. I gripped my socket when blood ran down my face. Kuma jumped up and armed himself, believing that I'd been attacked. I waved him off and told him to calm down as I tried to centre myself; someone had placed a seal on my Eternal Mangekyou.

      From my left eye, a ghostly aura spilled out into the clearing before it solidified. Once it depleted, I collapsed on my side. Kuma backed up against the trunk also as the effigy solidified.

"Madara. . .Sama?" I gurgled.

      I could tell that this wasn't the actual Madara Uchiha, merely a simple clone. He stood in the centre of the clearing with his gloved hands folded across his chest. He hadn't changed since the last memory I had of him.

      A faint breeze passed through the forest to send his hair flailing around his face, I was surprised to see his Sharingan weren't activated.

      "Ah, my Little Uchiha," he mused. "It's been an eternity too long."

      I took a step forward as the black spots started to clear from my vision. I rarely used my Mangekyou or Eternal Mangekyou because there was no need, I could defeat my opponents with skill and intellect, not with clan given gifts that people abused―such as Madara has done.  

      "Which rock are you hiding under, Madara?" I hissed.

      He chuckled slightly with the classic Uchiha smirk plastered on his lips, just like in the nightmare with Shinigami. I hadn't heard Madara chuckle since we were children, he even kept a straight face around Hashirama once Konohagaukre was established.

      "No Sama at the end? What's happened to you my Little Uchiha, you're so cold, so heartless," Madara took three steps forward. Before I could thrust the blade through the clone's chest, his gloved had gripped mine. "You still fight with Izuna's and never touch mine; do you resent me that much?" 

      I sheathed my sword so I could make the necessary hand signs to burn the clone from existence; I growled and continued. "Katon: Ryuka no Jutsu!" a huge flaming pillar shot at Madara, through the smoke and burning embers, I saw the puff of smoke.

      I still felt a faint chakra presence; I turned to see Madara hold his own sword against Kuma's throat. "You're still in sync with the dragons I see, tell me, did you master the summoning of Ryokan?"

      I stepped towards them; I couldn't use Ninjutsu without hitting Kuma in the process. I let out a long breath and folded my arms, "What do you want Madara?"

       He just smirked, "I want this cub to stay away from you."

       Kuma struggled against Madara's clone and snapped his jaws viciously. I tried to assess the situation but I couldn't think of an option that didn't have Kuma resulting in collateral damage.

       "Do you feel threatened?" I grinned viciously as Madara's expression soured. 

      "What are you doing with a Kohaku ANBU? They're nothing compared to our clan," Madara moved the blade from Kuma and pushed him to the side, blocking easily as Kuma tried to hit him. "You don't seem as angry as I expected you to be, I wanted to view your Susanoo in action at my appearance."

      "Tell me what happened. . .why did you do this?"

      The clone said nothing as he watched me weave hand signs.

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