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      F A L S E     H O P E

      "Hikari," this was Tobirama's final attempt to get through to me. Despite the insanity around us, he placed both hands on my shoulders and squeezed. We'd never seen eye to eye, even as youth. But the admiration in his eyes was enough for me to block Madara out for a few moments and listen. "Our sons lives were worth more than this. Don't let them be in vein." 

     Itsuki. . .Hideyoshi. . .

      Itatsu and Suwaru did not exist. Choju, Matsumi and Izuna were dead. Madara was not Hokage. 

     Almost like glass, the warmth I'd experienced earlier shattered. It was replaced by the ferocity I had felt previously, the anger which reminded me that I still had the capacity to feel. I blinked up at Tobirama, my lips pulled into a tight pout. 

      "You're the Flaming Dragoness of the Uchiha," a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Start acting like one."  

      Ha, of all the lectures in the world I'm surprised Tobirama would be the one to get through that thick skull of yours Hika-Chan, Shinigami cackled. 

      Immediately, my Eternal Mangekyou activated. While some portion of me still wished that fake reality happened, I couldn't forget the past that I lost. I couldn't forget the experiences which formed who I was, what I stood for. . .

    I pivoted on my heel and activated one arm of my Susanoo, I kept my gaze level as I leaped in the air, "Madara-Sama. . .you leave me no choice. . ." 

     Upon my descent, I reared my fist back and struck. Shinigami's chakra enhanced the blow ten-fold and caused a crater to appear. From the impact, Madara's arm had been torn off. He landed on his back with his Rinnegan blinking up at me. Regardless of the blood trickling from the corner of his lips, he smirked.  

     I crouched in front of Madara and withdrew Izuna's katana. As I stared down at Madara's face, I absorbed his features―the unruly black hair, muscular physique, playful mannerisms and devilish expression. I raised the blade to his throat, our eyes unmoving from each other. 

      "Hika–Chan get away from him," Hashirama somehow managed to activate Sage Mode while partially paralysed. "Hika–Chan, I mean it, there's a chakra presence beneath you!"

       Madara laughed dryly, his left hand dared to caress my jaw as he squinted at me, "Your skin is no longer ice cold. . .have I successfully fuelled the fire in your heart, or is it that of rage? Perhaps Tobirama's words have made you burn whatever you felt for me." 

      I sensed the tremor before it struck. Resting the blade on my shoulder, I leaped into the air as the ground beneath began to fragment. From where I had stood, White Zetsu shot up and slithered towards Madara in a disjointed state.

     "My apologies, Madara-Sama," White Zetsu gurgled. 

      "Do you have it?" Madara rose slowly into a crouch. 

     "Of course," White Zetsu outstretched its arm. 

     My eyes widened; Madara severed White Zetsu's arm to replace his lost limb. As he opened his new white palm, a Rinnegan stained the centre in a ring of blood. 

     That larger plan you thought of earlier. . .this seems to be it. That was Obito's, Shinigami growled. 

     Once the eye was replaced, I was greeted with a sadistic grin. Madara threw his head back and laughed, flexing his arms―it was as if the Rinnegan had restored his chakra reserves above and beyond any normal capacity. 

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