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J O N N I N   A S S E M B L E

       Madara stood before me in his youth with his classic smirk. He chucked a pebble up in the air and caught it as I sat on the wooden decking of his complex. I was getting ready to leave, but Madara grabbed my wrist before I could depart. He also did this to avoid seeing me tie up my hair.

      "Don't," Madara flicked the stone up again. He paused for a moment and looked down at the the flat rock in his hand, "I mean, if you ever want to gain Izuna's attention from your beloved sister, then take my advice."

      I pulled out of Madara's grip and bared my teeth; I slapped his gloved hand away when he reached out for me again. Madara liked to pick on my weak spot for his brother; I glared at him.

      The Madara before me changed, he no longer looked like the boyish teenager that had a growing hatred towards the war and those that opposed his clan, his face distorted into that of my Hannya mask―before my eyes, my memory of Madara Uchiha changed into the Reaper himself.

      "Hell is a place where you'd love to dwell by the time your life is over, Hikari," its deep voice bellowed.

      I dared not look up at the Kami's purple face or white hair and red horns. It removed the knife from its mouth and tapped it against my chin, forcing me to make eye contact. The Reaper's black teeth glistened with saliva as it grinned.

      "Are you the reason Madara sealed me?" I hissed.

      "I wouldn't have done you the grace by hiding you, I would've killed you when I had the chance," before I could even blink, the Reaper's silhouette consumed me. It drew the knife frown its mouth to slash its abdomen―gouging mine in the process.

      "Shin. . .Shinigami please," I hunched forward on my knees. "All I want is the answer to where Madara is. . .Shinigami!"

      Madara appeared before me as the scene around us went black. He had a white outline around his usual attire. I could see both of his onyx pupils and long eyelashes, I averted my eyes. 

      "Behold, your precious Madara," Shinigami's ghostly hand tipped my chin up again so I could see Madara and Izuna clashing swords. I thought it was a brotherly feud had blossomed into survival of the fittest, I tried screaming out to them but it fell on deaf ears.

      Is this the outcome if the tables had turned for Izuna?

      Izuna's ponytail danced in the wind as he pushed against his brother's matching sword. I lurched forward as blood seeped from my mouth. My greatest ally fell to his knees, we were staring at each other, Madara's Sharingan faded into the black abyss of the Uchiha.

      Madara mouthed something inaudible as his body fell against me. His head rested against my shoulder as Shinigami's cloak loomed above us. I felt tears prickle in my eyes, I hadn't cried since that day―I never had the chance. 

      Shinigami, I thought viciously, what are you doing to me?

      "Oi!" Kuma was on top of me, throttling me awake as I writhed. I opened my eyes and bashed my forehead against his mask. We both winced and recoiled.

     I vaulted out of bed and grabbed my silver saber; the blade caught the morning light and sent a reflection towards Kuma. His blue eyes held marvel at the craftsmanship.

      "You were having a nightmare," Kuma said slowly, still kneeling on my mattress. He stood up and brushed off his knees.

      My eyes flitted to the Hannya mask that lay face-up on the tatami mat, it's painted face resembled Shinigami way too much for comfort. I must have subconsciously summoned it, if my nightmares were to become a regular occurrence, perhaps hiding my mask in such easy to reach places was a bad idea. A shiver ran down my spine, I averted my eyes to my reflection in the blade, my Sharingan were activated.

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