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U C H I H A   V S .   K O H A K U

[Time Skip]

      At the arch of the Uchiha compound, I knew Kuma wanted answers. If he were to babysit me for eternity, I suspected being on palpable terms would make it easier. 

     "Do you know where they found me?" I asked. 

      "That's sensitive information," Kuma folded his arms. "Even for you." 

     "Where was it?" my Sharingan activated. 

     Kuma sighed, "Fine." 

     Kuma pulled a kunai from his pouch and placed his seal against my shoulder. He threw the kunai and it disappeared into the outskirts of the village. Within seconds, we were transported deep within the surrounding lands of Fire. Kuma crouched on the largest branch of a tree overlooking a stone alcove. 

     "I'm just as eager to find Madara," Kuma pointed at the entry. "That's where recon found you."  

      My fingers ran against the stone, there were no barriers or seals. The surrounding area was too dense and overgrown to get to unless you knew the exact location. And even then, there were no distinguishing characteristics to alert a person to its secrets. 

      "Why is that?" I queried. 

      "None of your business," he jeered. 

     I turned to him, my Sharingan active, "I'll warn you once. Don't play with me." 

     Kuma relaxed on his haunches to sit, "I'll play yours then. We'll talk." 

       I scoffed, "Go on then." 

      Kuma didn't hesitate, "I want to know about your Sharingan. Surely by being around Madara and Izuna you would have gained the Mangekyou and the Eternal Mangekyou. We've all heard the stories."

      My lips pressed together, distaste evident in my tone as I hissed, "And what have you heard?" 

      Kuma shrugged, "Uchiha have always been power hungry. They killed each other off for their Sharingan until there was nobody left. The last one fucked off." 

     "Have you seen the Sharingan in action?" I narrowed my eyes. 

     "No," Kuma raised his hands. "It doesn't look that intimidating. And I'm sure if you wanted to use Genjutsu, you would have already." 

      To my surprise, Kuma struck first with his fist in hope that he would land a descent punch to my jaw. He had impeccable speed for a naïve ANBU, but even with my Sharingan activated, he was predictable. I slid underneath him and kicked out his legs, he fell onto his hands before springing right back up to try hit me in the throat.

      Kuma fought like every other man I encountered. He was certainly skilled with his swiftness and fists but was no match for the experience I gained from the Uchiha along with the Senju brothers. Flexibility still wasn't my strong point but I managed to lift up my leg high enough to send him back into the large oak.

      I blocked Kuma's blind jab with my elbow before focusing the strength to my fingers and jabbed at his already cracked veneer. It shattered beneath my fingertips and he tumbled backwards before slowly rocking onto his feet again―Kuma didn't have nearly as much chakra as I originally presumed.

      I was able to see my ANBU without the additional camouflage. Kuma was definitely handsome with untameable dark brown hair that covered his forehead; his piercing blue eyes sparkled in the morning light as he took a battle stance. He had a strong jaw line and a slender face, he swiped the blood from his mouth and laughed. 

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