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 P R E M A T U R E   W A R   [PART 2]


[Time Skip]

       In Hikari's absence, I would have to revise my plan. I would have to become a human vessel. I had the intention of relying on Shinigami's essence to coax my next summon, but now I would have to offer myself. This was my destiny.

       Kaguya Otsutsuki.

      I sat in the Uzumaki stronghold and performed the summoning jutsu. Hikari's yellow dragon, Tatsu, emerged with the Hannya mask between its claws, his mistress.

      "M–Madara?" Tatsu tried to flutter back using its tiny wings but I grabbed it in my fist and squeezed. "W–what is the meaning of this?" Tatsu choked out.  

       I dismissed Tatsu by throwing it at the far wall, the dragon burst into a cloud of smoke. However, it dropped the mask. It smelt like Hikari. I inhaled softly before unfurling the scroll that had fallen from the Gedo.

      Not only did the scroll contain directions on how to revive the Juubi, it told me the history of Hagoromo, Kaguya and Shinigami. Since Shinigami was the divine being that kept out of man's affairs, he possessed Kaguya Otsutsuki in order to create peace―through this control, Kaguya and Shinigami were related by the finest of threads. So in theory, when I reanimate Hikari, she and I will be together once more, bound on an ethereal level.

      I slashed my palm with the blade of Hikari's katana to awaken a blood contract with Kaguya's essence. A black aura, much like Amaterasu, encircled my body. I looked down at the chakra cloak that radiated off me; my appearance wouldn't change until Kaguya accepted my soul as payment.

     From the scroll, the essence solidified into a Black Zetsu clone. Both of its eyes held the Byakugan, its oozing arm extended to point at me, "Hagoromo. . .my son?"

      "My name is Madara Uchiha," I said. "A descendant. I summon you through the connection to the Reaper Demon, Shinigami."

      The Black Zetsu clone cocked its head. I hoped the promise of Shinigami would provide additional incentive to Kaguya. 

      "This world is my nursery. . .the chakra is being misused, what an insult," Kaguya's voice echoed. "If I accept your offer and give my will to you, it is your obligation to restore the Otsutsuki clan to its former greatness and bring peace to earth."

      "Restore the Otsutsuki clan?" I queried.

      Kaguya's voice dripped in sensuality, removing its hand from the mask to grasp my inner thigh, "Scared are you?"

      I shook my head.  

      "Uchiha descended from me, do not fear," Kaguya said. "I have observed Shinigami from the Gedo for centuries. I am attune to his vessel's weaknesses. I am willing to exploit them and ensure that her chakra reunites with me. I will also destroy Shinigami." 

       "Her weaknesses?" I asked. 

       "Family," Kaguya laughed. "I need a vessel in the interim, she will suffice." 


       "She was destroyed by Amaterasu," I hissed. "There is nothing left."

      "You will be surprised," the clone grinned and started to weave hand signs.

      From its body, another black mound grew into a person. Snow white skin, blank eyes, flowing maroon hair and royal garb and sickly sweet drawl. . . 

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