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A T T A C K   O N   K O N O H A G A K U R E

      "I told you it wasn't Madara in Amegakure," I looked out the window as Tsunade slammed her fist against the desk, causing the previous crack to split her desk in half. "You should have listened to me." 

      "How can you be sure?" Tsunade growled.

      "I know Madara Uchiha like the back of my hand," I flexed my wrist. "The Akatsuki are using the legacy of Madara's name to bolster their organisation's strength."

      I hadn't spoken to Tsunade about slipping into Madara's thoughts; she still hadn't earned my trust. I folded my arms and ducked under the scroll that Tsunade threw towards the door of the Hokage Office as she shrieked with rage.

       I felt Kuma's eyes narrow at me; he knew something was wrong to make me fall from the platform in Amegakure. We still kept the mandatory silence between us but his constant glaring irritated me beyond belief.  

       "Having a hunch isn't good enough, I need solid proof that it isn't Madara," Tsunade protested.

       "My word should be proof enough," I retorted.

       Before Tsunade could argue with me, a colossal dust cloud blew towards the Hokage Tower. A few shards of debris embedded themselves in the glass of the windows, fracturing my vision of Hashirama's dream. An explosion followed from the gateway of the village.

      "What. . .what is the meaning of this?" Tsunade pushed out from her chair and twisted towards the cracked windows. "Shizune, get all Shinobi ready, the village is in danger!"  

      Tsunade's assistant bowed and rushed from the office with the small pig in her arms to alert the other ANBU. I had a strong suspicion that Shizune wouldn't get there in time because the explosion produced a huge crater in the heart of the village. Besides, I already felt a dark energy enter as my Sharingan activated effortlessly.   

      "Kuma, take Hikari out of here. Her safety is paramount if we're to win this war," Tsunade ordered.

      As Kuma grabbed for me I slapped his palm away and lunged towards the windows. I kicked the fragmented glass and crouched on the decking. I swung myself over the railing and sprinted towards the commotion. This was Hashirama's dream, there was no way I was going to let someone destroy it. 

[Time Skip]

      In the midst of the battle I saw five orange haired Shinobi in Akatsuki robes fighting the Sensei's in different parts of the village to separate them from their allies. Kakashi Hatake fought a losing battle―I swiftly performed the summoning jutsu. Tatsu, the little yellow dragon slithered up my arm and curled up on my shoulder.

      "You summoned, Mistress?" Tatsu's forked tongue flicked in the air.

      "Go help Kakashi; I'll summon Mizuchi once I'm at the centre of the crater. Your chakra will be linked with mine so I'll keep tabs on the battle," I marked Tatsu's back with my seal in case I needed to teleport.  

      As I flew over Kakashi's battle, he look up for a brief moment. His scrutinizing gaze softened as Tatsu appeared on his shoulder in a puff of smoke. He saluted me in thanks. 

      I felt Kuma pursue me as I landed in the crater to find the sixth member of the orange haired group. His orange spikey hair blew around his Amegakure headband as the dust settled. He had chakra rods stuck into his face, arms and hands―for someone that levelled half a village, he looked completely calm. As the intruder opened his eyes I saw the purple hue of his iris and the distinct ripple pattern.

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