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P A S T   K O H A K U

     I straddled Madara's lap. My cheek rested against his chest while his arms protectively cradled my arse. He kissed my crown and rubbed his nose against my forehead. 

      "Understanding the Kohaku massacre won't change things between you and the bear cub," Madara cleared his throat. "I'm surprised he took so long to turn on you, it's etched into his workings to betray the Uchiha."

      "Hn," I whispered. 

      "He reminds you of someone, I can tell," Madara sighed. 

      "Kagami," I murmured. "Kuma Kohaku could be Kagami's twin."

      It was silent for a moment before Madara decided to press on about Kuma.  

      "My Little Uchiha, if the bear cub is in cahoots with Orochimaru then all he'll want you for is power. He's a Kohaku, and Orochimaru's wanted to replicate the Sharingan for years―you're the weapon of opportunity to them."

      Bellow us, three of the branches that held beautiful purple flowers, erupted in black flames from Amaterasu. The crackling of wood filled my ears as I focussed my left eye's power on the trees, once the Amaterasu burnt out, I turned to Madara with my Eternal Mangekyou pulsating.

      "Show me of the massacre so I know how to defeat the Kohaku clan―if Kuma's Tsuchigan can break Genjutsu which you've cast, then I need to be prepared."

      Madara's lips pressed into a thin line as he exhaled through his nostrils. He rubbed his face with his hands and blew out a breath, "As you wish, my Little Uchiha." 

      The Kohaku weren't as easily hidden as first thought. Their seclusion left them open for surveillance. Uchiha perched themselves along the outskirts of the settlement. Madara stood on the bridge with his hand raised.   

        Madara's Eternal Mangekyou pulsed. Amaterasu consumed the village. It was to act as a diversion while the rest of his men scouted for the children. Madara flexed his hands, he was still under the clone technique, the only difference between he and Fugaku was his Eternal Mangekyou. 

         Madara had incapacitated Fugaku in the Uchiha alcove. 

      "Fugaku–Sama," called Kagami Uchiha. "Shall I give the order?"

      Madara had known Kagami since the feud with the Senju, his son; Shisui had awoken his Mangekyou at an early age much like Fugaku's eldest son Itachi. Madara sighed and shook his head.

      "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" Madara slammed his palm against the ground and in a puff of smoke, Kumisada emerged. "Kumisada, seek out the lead Kohaku, I want them alive," once the dragon disappeared he gave the signal. "After tonight, no one will underestimate the Uchiha again!"

      Hundreds of Uchiha scattered from their positions and attacked the village, showing no mercy. Mothers and children were slaughtered without a second glance; fathers and sons were checked for the Tsuchigan before Genjutsu was placed on them to turn on one another.

      Madara leaned against the base of a thick tree and watched the sanctuary burn. Screams filled the night and their river ran red with blood. Madara's hunch was right. A few of the men fought back against the weak three-stage Sharingan until his Eternal Mangekyou captured them. 

      As Madara pushed off from the trunk when Kumisada blew smoke at the mayor's door, he paused when a little girl ran in front of him screaming with tears in her eyes. In that moment, he paused and grabbed the girl by her shoulder.

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