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F A C E   O F F

      I remained in the shadows of the supply building at the entrance of Amegakure. Hidden Rain Nin stood with rolls of paper checking off names of those which wanted to breach the border. Kirigakure ANBU perched themselves underneath the cover of a booth as they surveyed the refugees. Security had certainly become the nations priority since Kuma and I last visited.

      The Hannya mask covered my features but I strategically wore the Konohagakure uniform; without showing my face, the Hidden Rain could identify me as an ally to their neighbours in the South rather than consider me a rogue shinobi. 

      The leader of the Amegakure guard tightened the Allied Shinobi Forced hitai-ate and plunged his hands deeper into the pockets of his coat to remain warm beneath the downpour. I inhaled a short breath and emerged from my hiding place to join the mingling crowds awaiting admittance. My shoulders tensed when the guard latched onto my shoulder when I attempted to slink between a family and a swarm of elderly men. 

      "You need to take off your mask ma'am," the guard requested.  "State your name and origin for the records." 

      I did as told and kept eye contact with the guard. Beads of water dripped from his orange hair as he narrowed his eyes at me, he turned towards the Kirigakure ANBU. In one of their hands was the Bingo Book, it hung loosely in their grip, forgotten as their attention was elsewhere. 

      Obviously my clothing wasn't enough to sway the Amegakure Nin, he whistled low and jerked his chin towards me. Had the truce between the Leaf and Rain been tested amidst the war? The left ANBU tossed the book towards the man; he flicked to the entries of 'wanted' in the Land of Fire and jut his lip out in frustration. Seeking an expert opinion he gestured for a Hidden Mist informant to leave his post beneath the shelter. 

      "What did you say your name was again ma'am?" the guard cocked a brow.

      "I didn't," I replied.

      I gave a warm smile to lure him into a false sense of security, but it weakened at the edges when the Hidden Mist Nin advanced towards us. Paper tags hung from his lobes and didn't notice the bleeding ink that stained the parchment. 

       He adjusted the black eye patch over his right socket and frowned, "What seems to be the problem?"

      "Ao–San, " the guard shielded the marked entry in the Bingo Book and flicked his eyes up at me.

     Ao thought for a moment, his singular beady brown eye absorbed my  features which were translated in the photo enclosed. My fists clenched when Ao leaned to whisper something at the guard, who in reply, snapped the Bingo Book shut and slid it beneath the folds in his robe.

      "Do you mind answering further questions?" Ao asked.

      "I am under strict instructions administered by the Hokage," I said. The cockiness hit a nerve with Ao, causing his eye to twitch. I outstretched the scroll but didn't realise that Tsunade had written my name above the seal, making Ao's suspicions indisputable. 

       Without a second glance, Ao dropped the scroll and intertwined his hands; "Byakugan!" veins appeared under the eye patch as he stared at me, detecting the chakra built up behind my eyes. "This is Konohagakure's S-ranked criminal!"

      Fuck, I thought and started making hand signs for a shadow clone.

      I knew that the Byakugan's sight was limited to a clear space with no disturbances such as dust or smoke. I pushed off my heel and shoved through the bewildered crowd, I angled my head towards the pelting rain above me and conjured a fire ball. The flames enveloped the tops of the crowd but wasn't enough to scorch; either way, the rain came in a steady stream and was enough to dispel the fireball and create a layer of steam. 

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